The Master Plan for Planet Earth Given by Maitreya
The Plan Social aspect of Maitreya’s teachings : THE GOVERNMENT Taken from the book: The Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH), The Last Testament(THOTH) Section: the Kingdomthe Kingdom
The Plan Explanation of Mount Zion Mount Zion = Triangle upward = Organizational Structure = THE HIERARCHY See the pyramid on the next diapo...
The Plan
The Eldest The 3 Guardians World Government Regional Subregional States Counties Districts Communities 12 Persons The 10 levels of the hierarchy
The Plan The 4 bodies of the hierarchy Administrative (the administration) Judicial (the justice) Legislative (the laws) Elders (the observers)
The Plan The Eldest The 3 Guardians World Government Regional Government Subregional States Counties Districts Communities (12 X 12 X 12) 12 Persons The 10 levels of the hierarchy
The Plan Regional Government There would ultimately be 12 regions in the world. Each region would be divided into 12 sub-regions. Each sub-region would be divided into states, each state into counties, and each county into districts. Each district would be divided into small communities (Communities of Light).
The Plan
Regional Government 12 regions with 144 subregions 1,728 states 20,736 counties 248,832 districts 2,985,984 communities 35,831,808 communities 429,981,696 communities Note : If we have the perfect 429,981,696 persons each 35,831,808 persons " 2,985,984 persons " 248,832 persons " 20,736 persons " 1,728 persons " 144 persons " 12 persons " number 12 everywhere
The Plan Regional Government : Division after the subregions will depend of many factors: economical, population… 12 regions with x persons 144 subregions with x persons x states with x persons x counties with x persons x districts with x persons x COL with 1,728 persons each x communities with 144 persons " x communities with 12 persons "
The Plan The 4 bodies of the hierarchy Administrative (the administration) Judicial (the justice) Legislative (the laws) Elders (the observers)
The Plan Regional Government/Administrative Body (12 regions in the world) Selection of the 12 leaders One person will emerge from the base of such leaders will make a second level and choose a leader among them And so on, until there are 12 regional leaders selected, one for each of the 12 regions
The Plan Regional Government/Administrative Body 12 leaders, one from each 12 regions + 6 people selected at large by election = 18 leaders For the Administrative Body or Collective Body of the Regional Government
The Plan Leader of the collective body 4 reporters Each one is Responsible of the 12 sub-regions of each region Regional Government/Administrative Body 18 leaders : Representative of the region to the World Collective Body
The Plan The 4 bodies of the hierarchy Administrative (the administration) Judicial (the justice) Legislative (the laws) Elders (the observers)
The Plan Regional Government/Judiciary Board Selection of the 12 judges One person will emerge from the base of 12 (different from the leader) 12 such judges will make a second level and choose a leader among them And so on, until there are 12 regional judges selected, one for each of the 12 regions
The Plan Regional Government/Judiciary Board 12 judges, one from each 12 regions + 6 judges selected at large by election = 18 judges For the Judiciary Board or Board of Brahmins to form the Regional and World Judiciary Court
The Plan The 4 bodies of the hierarchy Administrative (the administration) Judicial (the justice) Legislative (the laws) Elders (the observers)
The Plan Regional Government/Legislative Body House of Elects or House of Representatives or Senate They would be chosen by vote of the people from different regions. They will study the social problems and consider laws for dealing with them. They will have the power of impeachment of officials in the administrative and judiciary bodies.
The Plan The 4 bodies of the hierarchy Administrative (the administration) Judicial (the justice) Legislative (the laws) Elders (the observers)
The Plan Regional Government/Elders Composed by those elected for 2 terms as head of the administrative, judiciary and legislative bodies ; And those elected to any other position at any other level for 4 terms (3 terms for direct reporters). They are observers, pointing out problems and directing and correcting the system.
The Plan Regional Government/Elders There would be Elders at all levels of the hierarchy. For example, a person elected 4 times (16 years) by 12 people as their leader (and never at a higher level), would become an Elder to those 12 people. The Elders at the top of the hierarchy should be highly exalted and their words accepted as a guiding Light for humanity.
The Plan Regional Government/Elders Among them they will choose the 3 Guardians. The Eldest is one of them. The same system could be applied to the smaller parts of a region (subregions, states, cities, etc.) or to a larger area as the entire earth to create a worldwide government.
The Plan The Eldest The 3 Guardians World Government Regional Government Subregional States Counties Districts Communities (12 X 12 X 12) 12 Persons The 10 levels of the hierarchy
The Plan In order to create a World Government, it will be necessary to create a World Collective Body (Administration) World Judiciary Body (Board of Brahmins) World Senate World Body of Elders
The Plan World Government/Administrative & Judiciary Bodies 7 persons will be elected by vote (between those selected 3 times to the regional levels) and 12 will come from the 12 regions So, each of these 2 bodies will have 19 members
The Plan Each one is Responsible of one of the 12 regions World Government: 19 leaders Leader of the collective body One for the Administrative Body and one for the Judiciary Body 2 Direct Reporters 4 Reporters
The Plan World Government/Elders The Elders Body will be composed of: The leaders of administrative and judiciary bodies, after 2 terms Direct and secondary reporters, after 3 terms Representatives of a region, after 4 terms Other functions and relationships of these world bodies would be similar to those of their regional counterparts
The Plan World Government/Legislative Body World Senate or House of Representatives Members would be elected by vote: 2 representatives from each sub-region (144 sub-regions X 2 = 288 members)
The Plan World Government/Legislative Body There will be 2 Houses of Representatives: One at the World Government Level and One at the Regional Governement Level This will assure a greater screening power into the system but also more … bureaucracy
The Plan Financing the system Tithes: 10% of a person’s income Gifts and donations Taxes (after the full manifestation of the system) but never exceeding 100% of the funds provided from tithes, gifts and donations.
The Plan Recommended Housing for the base of 12 persons 6 houses around a central place used as a gathering place
The Plan Recommended Housing for the base of 12 persons Each of the 6 houses should become a center of love and foster a healthy unit (family) to support the society The next step is to be a good citizen of the small community and be able to share This will encourage a person’s growth, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
The Plan Recommended Housing for the base of 12 persons This arrangement could be expanded: 12 such housing complexes built together will create a 2 nd level of decision-making (~144 persons) and 12 of such grouping would make up the 3 rd level (~1728 persons) = a COL
The Plan How the Hierarchy on earth will emerge: First, a facilitating body (initial Elders) will emerge from the top to the bottom The Elders will accomplish the process of the formation of the Hierarchy on earth Later on, all levels of the Hierarchy will form from the bottom to the top See the double pyramid on the next diapo...
The Plan
How the Hierarchy on earth will emerge: The Elders do not have any authority — they inspire others, coordinate the activities and help to form the 12 people as the second level Then those 12 will each inspire and form 12 others And so on, to the base of 12 people who will form eventually the ascending Hierarchy
The Plan Conclusion This system has been revealed to Maitreya and to all of us in this time, because humanity has reached a point where a great evolutionary step is necessary. It will simply replace the old system that is slowly losing its power. Evolutionary changes come gradually. The new Order of the Ages will come in a transitory manner through the wisdom of the Elders.
The Plan Conclusion The very nature of the universe is free, happy and progressive — all things are marching toward perfection.
The Plan Sal-Õm and Thanks to God