Diamonds are Forever Our Mines are Not Recommendations to improve and sustain the diamond mining industry.


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Presentation transcript:

Diamonds are Forever Our Mines are Not Recommendations to improve and sustain the diamond mining industry

The Industry, Then and Now Much has changed since opening of Ekati in 1998 NWT was experiencing an economic slump and resource development was welcomed In 2007, Western Canadian economy is soaring, competition is fierce for skilled workers

Rising Costs Fuel costs Transition to underground mining Decreased market prices Strong Canadian dollar High taxes Shorter winter road seasons Climate change

Economic benefits Ekati and Diavik in production Debeers commencing full production in 2008 In 2006, diamond mining contributed to 50% of NWT Real GDP Two existing mines have found incredible wealth in high-grade kimberlite pipes

Exceeding targets Mines are producing in excess of predicted tonnage Unrestricted production Extracting all higher grade ore first Will result in reduction of mine life

Employment Boom Three mines will produce 2,000 new jobs over next few years SEMAs are “unenforceable” and “have no teeth” Contracted workers count towards SEMA commitments SEMAs do not guarantee skilled worker positions for Northerners

Economic Obstacles High cost of living High percentage of mine workers living in the south Mine employees falsely claiming Northern addresses accessing NWT medical coverage, increasing costs to taxpayers GNWT losing per capita grant allotment, approximately $20,000 per year

Hiring Contractors Contractors are an important part of Northern presence at the mines Play an important part of the Northern presence at the mine

Concern with contracting Contractors who provide camp services pay low wages and offer poor benefits packages Lack of opportunities for training and advencement Contracted employees are passed over for permanent positions with the mining companies

Apprenticeships and training opportunities