Kissimmee Vine Street Vision Implementation Chamber of Commerce Workshop December 15, 2010
Vine Street Vision Implementation Advancing the vision… – Policy framework – Transportation framework – Market framework – Regional coordination – Grants and alternative funding Where are we now and what do we need to do next?
VINE STREET VISION Implementation Timeline (5 years) GOALS Create a distinct sense of place Create incentives for private sector investment Encourage multimodal mobility strategies Diversify housing stock Improve institutional capacity in economic development Overlay District Design Guidelines Form-Based Codes Fast Track Reviews Website Catalyst Project Establish Multimodal Transportation District BRT, commuter rail, local circulator, intermodal transit center and other transit initiatives Bicycle and pedestrian master plan Housing Study Advance Beaumont Site Redevelopment Create Vine Street CRA Economic Development Director Establish Redevelopment Committee Create a Vine Street Brand
POLICY FRAMEWORK Draft Vine Overylay Policy Document still in review/refinement – Addressing larger connections to regional transportation issues May timeframe to take it to DRC EAR-based Comp Plan amendments
POLICY FRAMEWORK Sets expectation for future development Creates ‘more worth’ for properties Grounded in multimodal transportation Creates transit ready urban form Balances mobility with livability
POLICY FRAMEWORK Corridor Regulating Plan
TRANSPORTATION FRAMEWORK Multimodal Transportation District (MMTD) Commuter rail – advance multimodal links and TOD at City stops – Metroplan funded local trolley/circulator system study Transit on Vine/192 – FDOT talking about 192 Multimodal Plan – Osceola County completing transit study Advance Mobility Fee Study Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
TRANSPORTATION FRAMEWORK Multimodal Transportation Plan
MARKET FRAMEWORK Vision developed when market was at its peak – Development activity now at all time low – but long term vision still sound Hired Economic Development Director – Advance economic development plan Existing CRA initiatives – VINE ST – E 192 – W 192 – 441 Created Project Website – Advance with stronger branding and marketing approach Need to incentivize redevelopment – Buy land and clear sites – Prices are low – timing is good
REGIONAL FRAMEWORK Kissimmee looked at for model planning – sets us up for future partnerships/funding – Kissimmee recognized for supporting How Shall We Grow Vision – US 192 Coordination Committee initiated by FDOT
WHAT IS NEXT? (2 years) GOALS Create a distinct sense of place Create incentives for private sector investment Encourage multimodal mobility strategies Diversify housing stock Improve institutional capacity in economic development Overlay District Design Guidelines Master Plan and Form-Based Code Fast Track Reviews Website - enhanced Catalyst Project Establish Multimodal Transportation District BRT, commuter rail, local circulator, intermodal transit center and other transit initiatives Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Housing Study Advance Beaumont Site Redevelopment Create VINE STREET CRA Economic Development Director Establish Redevelopment Committee Conduct City Branding Exercise
Key Recommendations for Next Steps Establish VINE STREET CRA – Take advantage of market lull – Blight study and master plan underway Economic development plan – Focus on attracting new business/jobs to City based on quality of life and existing base Advance form based code Stay well connected regionally to advance transportation concepts and seek grant opportunities