Clover Hill Community Primary School The Journal School Awards 2010 Sustainable School Category
Clover Hill Community Primary School The government would like all schools to become Sustainable Schools by At Clover Hill we aim to be a Sustainable School long before this deadline.
The Energy Busters!! We are a group of children from Years 2-6 who meet every month to look at ways of looking after our environment. We conducted an environmental review which helped us to see the things we do well and identify targets for improvement. We have just been awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag for all of our hard work and dedication working towards becoming a sustainable school.
The Mayor of Gateshead, Councillor John Eagle came into school and presented us with our Green Flag.
We showed the Mayor exactly why we were awarded the Green Flag!
These are our raised beds we built to grow our own fruit and vegetables. We use these in Cookery Club and hope to make our own market garden this summer.