Lessons learned in AFGHANISTAN may apply to other parts of the world.
We worked with the MILITARY.
Everyone thinks Afghanistan is a big sand box, but soils in the valleys ranged from Loamy Sand to Clay Loam – GOOD SOIL to grow most ANYTHING.
START your seeds EARLY and PLANT CROPS that are ADAPTED for your area.
Get the right TOOLS for the job.
Match TECHNOLOGY to the region to ensure SUSTAINIBILITY.
EDUCATE locals.
Cover farming BASICS.
Projects can get quite large and involve a lot of people.
PREPARE planting beds according to CLIMATE. If dry, make beds with a dike around them to hold water in. In wet climates, plant on a raised bed so water runs off.
WATER before planting when needed.
Hold planting DEMONSTRATION S.
Create a DEMONSTRATION FARM to use as a reference throughout the project term.
LEAVE plenty of room for the creeper to get out.
Dry conditions will MINIMIZE WEEDS and the need for pesticides.
This STAIR GARDEN dried out too fast in the hot, dry climate.
CONSERVE. Only water the crops that need water.
Harvest using tools READILY AVAILABLE to locals. In our project we saw 300%+ increased yields.
Don’t be afraid to TRY NEW things...in small segments.
The average Afghan farm is 1 to 3 acres in size and is used to sustain a family of 8. KNOW the area you’re working.
Even in Afghanistan the biggest threat to farms and gardens are LIVESTOCK and in some places WATER.
A key crop in Afghanistan is the pomegranate – seen here is a pomegranate nursery.
Pomegranate field Harvest.
Post sorting.
Afghan pomegranates ready for air shipment to Dubai.
TRAIN and PREPARE for close calls.
Welcome opportunities to MEET interesting PEOPLE.
Guy Ewald FAF Development We accomplished our mission and the best part was that we saved lives.