1 Chap. 3 Interface
2 Interface Physical connection between node and transceiver Network interface card (NIC) Physical connection between transceivers Characteristics of Interface Mechanical defines cable, connector for connection Electrical defines voltage level, signal timing, encoding Functional defines function of signal line and control line (data, control, timing, grounding, etc) Procedural defines sequence of events via signal and control line
3 RS232C Interface standard for serial transmission regulated by EIA 3 type (A, B and C) are defined, but C version (RS232C) is widely used Mechanical spec 25pin connector and 9 pin connector Electrical spec bipolar NRZ-L -3V - -12V -> 1, +3V - +12V -> 0 Less than data rate of 20Kbps, shorter than transmission range of 15m
4 Functional spec GND : logical ground TxD : transmitted data RxD : received data
5 RS422 and RS485 RS422 Differential encoding voltage difference between two line is negative -> 1 4 line is used for full duplex (2 line for transmission, 2 line for reception) 1 driver, 32 receiver Because data link later is not defined, additional function is developed by user RS485 Differential encoding +-12V is used for encoding, 2 line for half duplex 1 driver, 32 receiver
6 Transmission characteristics of RS422 and RS485 Distance of 1.2Km, data rate of 10Mbps SpecificationRS232CRS422RS485 voltage modesingle-endeddifferential max. number of driver/receiver 1 driver 1 receiver 1 driver 32 receivers 32 drivers 32 receivers max. distanceabout 15 mabout 1.2 km max. data rate20 Kbps10 Mbps transmission modefull duplex half duplex max. output voltage ±25V -0.25V to +6V-7V to +12V max. input voltage±15V-7V to +7V-7V to +12V
7 SPI SPI (serial peripheral interface) Defined by Motorola 4 lines for synchronous transmission (MOSI, MISO, SCK, /SS) Data rate of several 10’s Mbps