Comma Rules Learn these rules and you will have it down!
What do Commas do? Three things –1) Separate (sentences, lists, etc.) –Or –2) Show when things not necessary in a sentence –Or –3) Replace missing words
Rule #1: List Rule Use a comma to separate items in a list Examples –Emily Eric and Eddy all live in a new house. –My favorite television shows are The Office Grey’s Anatomy and The Care Bears. –I went to the mall then to the gas station and finally to the bathroom.
Rule #2: Adjective Rule Use a comma to separate two or more adjectives describing a noun—comma replaces the word “and.” Examples: –Ms. Luker wants us to explore the dark cold vaults of our minds. –Friendly funny Fannie found four pancakes. –Give me that small beautiful necklace
Rule #3: Quotation Rule Use a comma to separate direct quotations from the rest of the sentence. Look for quotation marks. Examples –“You just called me fat” screamed Casey. –Brandon said “I love ponies and rainbows!” –“I would get a tattoo” said Mr. Martin “if they were licked on by kittens.”
Rule #4: Not Rule Use a comma to separate contrasting words and phrases introduced by the word “not.” Examples: –I go to Skyline HS not Longmont HS. –I love dogs not cats. –As I went to the movies not to the Nuggets game I saw a giant flea- infested rat.
Rule #5: Intro Word Rule Use a comma to separate an introductory word from the rest of a complete sentence. Those intro words can be interjections, transitions, names, or yes/no. Examples Ryan stop picking you nose. Tonight let’s drive to the park and neck. No you’d have to be crazy to date him! Hey get out of there.
Rule #6: Date Rule Use a comma to separate the elements of day and date. Examples: –Let’s meet at 9 AM Tuesday –Today is Thursday March –My first kiss occurred on February
Rule #7: Address Rule Use a comma to separate parts of geographical names and between parts of an address. Examples My old address is 27 Denver Way Longmont CO. Mr. Martin grew up at 100 S. Grace Milliken CO. Just send the package to Skyline High School at 600 E. Mountain View Ave. Longmont CO.
Rule #8 Title Rule Use a comma to separate a person’s name from their title. (Order = Name, Title) Examples: –There goes Barack Obama President of the United States. –There goes Dr. Ploompsburg DVM. –There goes Mr. Martin best teacher at Skyline.
Rule #9: Complete Sentence Rule Use a comma to separate 2 complete sentences that are joined by conjunctions (joining words): and, but, or, nor, not, yet, for, so, because. Examples: –Kyle was crying in the room because he broke his pinky nail. –Mr. Martin was talking about prostitution but he was rudely interrupted.
Rule #10: Intro Clause Rule Use a comma to separate an introductory clause from the rest of the sentence. A clause tells who, when, where, or how, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. Examples: –When I get angry I like to hit stuff –According to the police Hannah Montana’s real name is Miley Cyrus –In Mr. Martin’s class the best girl fight in history took place
Rule #11: Shared Subject Rule Use a comma where one subject (the acting noun) has a past tense verb and an –ing verb. Examples: –Mr. Martin taught the class giving it all he had. –Justin tripped falling on his face. –Casey slept dreaming of chasing small bunny rabbits.
Rule #12: Paired Comma Rule Use a comma to separate a non- essential phrase that is inserted into the middle of a sentence that is already complete. Examples: –Langston Hughes who was a key figure in the Harlem Renaissance often used rhythms of jazz in his poetry. –I love Mandy Moore the top selling female vocalist of today when she blows me kisses.
Your Turn In pairs: Come up with 3 sentences Try to involve 3-4 comma rules within each sentence –Use the ones from today, and the ones from last class: Paired Comma Rule Shared Subject Rule Intro Clause Rule Complete Sentence Rule