Week 8
Timing Will Be Big Show a map of your #6 coal and areas where you will have to cut roof rock because of your CM selection Show a year by year timing map of the #6 coal producing 3 million or more clean tons per year – Have a schedule showing when and how much out of seam dilution will be going to the prep plant – Make sure your timing and equipment capacity accounts for the out of seam dilution you will take – Produce a year by year schedule of royalties or other fees you will be paying to land holders.
#6 Isopack Prepare an elevation of the #6 seam bottom and identify where water will drain too – Estimate the amount of water you will be using for your cutting equipment – Assume your mine will be fairly dry except in places where you approach within 150 ft of the fault In these area assume you will have a flow of 0.1 GPM per square foot of open area Plan your mine drainage and dewatering system
Venting Your Frustrations Estimate the amount of face air you will need Prepare a year by year schedule showing how much air you will need where – Open areas of course need to be swept with air – If you have a battery recharging area it will also need to be ventilated – You may have other area needs Estimate your leakage and the amount of air you will need – Look at your shaft and slope openings and check whether they will be able to reasonably handle the air flows you are appearing to need Prepare a general plan for how you will use entries on your panels and mains for ventilation (ie etries for intakes, returns, and neutrals {if you have neutrals})
Select Sample Points in Time Every 5 years select a point in time where you will detail your mine wide ventilation plan – Take at least one of these plans and input it into Vnet PC (or build a network to solve by hand). – Work out the air flows and pressure heads
A Belt Network Work out your mines detailed belt network at one point every 5 years – Use Belt Analyst to plan out and specify the belt needs – Identify your belt equipment
After the #6 Coal After the #6 coal is mined out you will begin planning out mining your met coal by longwall from #3 – Put together your timing for mining out the #3 coal As you start mining met coal from #3 you will keep hold of your steam coal market by mining the #7 coal. – Put together the basic plan you will use for mining #7 coal
Preparing the Prep Plant Prepare maps showing what areas will be undermined with your #7, #6, and #3 coal mining plan – Identify areas that you consider to be subsidence risk based on type of undermining and closeness to the surface Prepare or reference maps showing the shafts or slopes from which coal will be removed With this data, locate your preparation plant, your waste disposal area, and your incoming railroads or roads that will ship the coal out.
Scheduling Waste Production Your #6 coal should have provided you with a coal quality schedule that includes out of seam dilution rock Prepare a waste preparation plan – For each coal processing unit that produces a waste product indicate what type of waste it produces and how it will be processed for disposal placement – Prepare a year by year schedule for the volume of coarse and fine waste produced Show by supporting calculation how you got that waste volume from the feed and the processes it went through
Where You Are At You have planned a 16 year open pit mine sequence You have planned out your ancillary buildings and structures (to varying degrees) You have put in a basic network of roads You have chosen your surface Fleet
Deficiency Reinforcement You have a network of guard towers around the property, but it is not clear how you will get people to those guard towers – particularly in the winter – Add appropriate roads or supplemental equipment to your fleet as necessary – Make a plan for a “typical” guard tower that shows such things as height, floorplan, and facilities (Do they have bathrooms, kitchens, could one stay in them for an extended period if they were cut-off by a storm?)
Include additional facilities on your maps Your maps should show the location of all roads and buildings They should show the “ultimate pits” at the end of 16 years They should show your water and electrical lines? – It is assumed you will have back-up power (obviously that high tech security would not be worth much if I could disable it by shooting down a power line anywhere between your mine and Cheyenne)
Finalize Facilities Plan Office buildings, warehouses, wash-houses, repair shops, security buildings, processing plants, backup generation houses should have basic floor plans Due to climate indications of things such as insulation and type of roof should be covered somehow. Where will trucks and equipment be kept? Where are fuel storage areas.
Focus on Your Underground Build a basic plan and layout for your underground mine and draw it out in MineSight – Indicate an approximate mining sequence for what you will mine and when. – The drawing should include the size of your major mine openings including shafts, ramps, main haulage ways, and underground stations.
Operations Decisions for the Underground Weather may be a lesser issue underground than on the surface. – What kind of work schedule do you want during what seasons – If you elect any winter operations, where will people stay?
Exploration Related Decisions Your basic mining concept includes the idea of mining out levels by driving and then filling side by side drifts into the ore body A level running at 90 degrees to the previous will then be put in below. Do you want to run just one entry part way into the orebody at various points to explore in greater depth the consistency of the reserves and frequency of some of your large “mega-diamonds”? – If so develop your underground sampling plan – (It is highly suggested you use this week to plan out your exploration drifts rather than an entire underground mining sequence based on no information)
Basic Equipment Picks for Underground Pick your drill jumbo’s (if applicable – you might be going with jacklegs) Pick your ore haulage equipment Pick your powder delivery and loading equipment Pick equipment to deliver men and supplies underground