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Personality? Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual react and interact with others. Personality can be defined as those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person respond to his or her environment. - schiffman Personality reflects individual differences.
Determinants of personality Biological factors. - Heredity - brain - physical features Cultural factors. Family and social factors - home environment - social groups Situational factors.
Aspects of Personality Subjective Aspects Examples External Packaging Height Weight Dressing Sense Looks Hair Style Presentation Gesture & Posture
Objective Aspects Examples Internal Features Mannerism Communication Intelligence Etiquettes Confidence Level Leadership
Types of Managers ENTERPRENUER PERFORMERS:- They are highly enthusiastic, self motivated and great achievers. Just give them objective and they will plan, organize, coordinator, monitor and manage the entire project. STAR PERFORMERs:- This category of managers are smart workers. They are good implementers, they need to be given right inputs & directions. AVERAGE PERFORMERS:- This category of managers are good at raising queries, more of talkers and have a potential to perform but are not utilizing their performance fully.
BELOW AVERAGE PERFORMERS:- This category of managers are the once who shirk work, pass on the buck. Would take the work leisurly & perform as a last resort. Non Performers:- They are sheer liabilities to the organization. They lack in their abilities & need to be declared misfits or surplus. They may have been recruited on account of some references.
What is Success? Achieving one’s targets Accomplishment of Goals Dynamic/ Not Static Not Complacence
Continuous Process Success in real sense is Achieving Excellence
Traits of a Successful Manager Know Thyself Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Effective Communication Achievement Orientation Initiative Taking High Sense of Commitment Proactive Approach Creative & Innovative Assertive Leadership
Being Visionary-Great Sense of Mission & Focus Trust Building Capability Willingness to learn & unlearn Building Excellent Team Work Prompt Decisions Making Problem Solving Approach
Analytical Ability To be Ethical & Professional Keeping Promises Command and not Demand Respect
Road Blocks Which Hamper the Success of Managers Demotivating /Demoralizing others Negative Attitude Expectation level too high Being too egoistic Indulging/supporting politics Hypocrisy Ineffective Communication & Listening Skills
Failure to do self Introspection Arguing/Complaining/Nagging & Blaming Others Not Accepting Challenges of Change & Uncertainties Failure to appreciate organization Strength & Constraints Not Accepting Objective Criticism
Delaying Decisions Being Unethical Being Unprofessional
Successful Manager Being an Entrepreneur In the common Parlance, Entrepreneurship is the ability to run and manage one’s own business. Signifies ownership and spirit of performing, accomplishing and excelling the way one would do for one’s own venture. It involves working with passion, devotion, determination, dedication to achieve the organizations objective. Manager should have Passion for Entrepreneurship.