SWS Corporate Events Event Ideas By Graham Armstrong
Cultural Events Treat your employees to a day of culture. Arts and foods. Theatre productions such as Jacob’s Technicolor Dream coat are available at £15 per adult. Or dine in one of the highest quality Indian restaurants for only £16 a meal.
Sports Events – Paintball Several sports events are available, paintball at Bishop Auckland is available, a full day from 9AM until 3PM is £20 including 100 paintballs, clothing and marker rental and food.
Sports Events – Formula One Everybody knows the sport, and everybody would like to try it someday. So why not make that day today? £99 gets your employees a day at Silverstone racing Formula Fords as fast as they dare to go!
Sports Events – Golf Spend a day on the green! From £6 per person, golf balls and golf clubs provided. Play the extensive course at Filton Golf Club for a day. Food is not included.
Decision Those are some of the available options. If you’re interested in any of the events shown or have a question, send an to and we will respond as soon as we can. Also we’re on the phone at Thank you and we hope you have a pleasant day.