Agenda December 6-10 Journal French Revolution Lecture Journal: How are the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution connected? How did the Enlightenment come as a result of the Scientific Revolution? Summarize the effects of the Enlightenment.
The French Revolution Begins
The Old Order The Privileged Estates – 1 st estate-Roman Catholic Church – 2 nd estate-Rich Nobles The Third Estate – 97% of the people belong to the 3 rd estate – 3 Groups Bourgeoisie Workers Peasants
The Forces of Change The Enlightenment Ideas Economic Troubles – High Taxes – High Cost of living – Bad Weather – Price of Bread A Weaker Leader “The Third Estate is the People and the People is the foundation of the State; it is in fact the State itself; the…People is everything. Everything should be subordinated to it…It is in the People that all national power resides and for the People that all states exist.” Comte D’Antraigues
Dawn of Revolution The National Assembly – Establish June 17, 1789 – 3 rd Estate (Mostly Bourgeoisie) – Influenced by the Enlightenment – Proclaimed end to Absolute Monarchy and beginning of Representative Government Storming the Bastille – July 14
A Great Fear Sweeps France Rebellion Spread from City to Country Peasants became outlaws
Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
The Assembly Reforms France The Rights of Man A state-controlled Church Louis Tries to Escape "All the citizens, being equal in [the eyes of the law], are equally admissible to all public dignities, places, and employments, according to their capacity and without distinction other than that of their virtues and of their talents.” Article VI
Divisions Develop A Limited Monarchy – Created in 1791 – Created Legislative Assembly Factions Split France Emigres and Sans- Culottes
War and Execution France at War Jacobins Take Control – Declared King Deposed – Set aside Constitution of 1791 – Created National Convention on Sept – Abolished monarchy declared France a Republic The War Continues Jean-Paul Marat Georges Danton
The Terror Grips France Revolution had enemies from within Robespierre Assumes Control Reign of Terror “The first maxim of our politics ought to be to lead the people by means of reason and the enemies of the people by terror. If the basis of popular government in time of peace is virtue, the basis of popular government in time of revolution is both virtue and terror: Virtue without which terror is murderous, terror without which virtue is powerless. Terror is nothing else than swift, severe, indomitable justice; it flows, then from virtue” Robespierre
End of Terror Robespierre executed July 28th 1794 New Plan of Government Drafted – 1795 – Created 2 house legislature – Created the Directory – Made Napoleon Bonaparte commander of Army
Napoleon Forges an Empire Early Life Hero of the Hour – October 1795 Royalists marched on National Convention – 1796 Directory app. Napoleon to lead army against Austria and Sardinia Coup d’ Etat – November 1799 – 3 Consuls – Napoleon as dictator
Napoleon Rules France Napoleon pretends to be constitutionally chosen leader Restoring order at home – Strengthened government – Efficient tax collection – Created National Banking System – Steps to clean up government – Signed Concordant with Pope Pius VII – Napoleonic Code Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor
Napoleon Creates an Empire Wanted to reassert French Power Loss of American Territories Conquering Europe Battle of Trafalgar The French Empire