Vocab H-L
What is it? H/I $100 Movement during the Renaissance where thinking revolved around worldly ideas rather than religion
Humanism Back to Game
Type of culture under Alexander the Great that blended Greek, Roman, and Indian culture What is…? H/I $200
Hellenistic Back to Game
Imaginary line through Europe that divided democracies in the West from communist countries in the East What is…? H/I $300
Iron Curtain Back to Game
What is…? H/I $400 Domination by one country of the political, social, economic, and cultural life of another
Imperialism Back to Game
Movement where Muslims oppose westernization and want to apply Islamic religious ideas/laws to run the country What is…? H/I $500
Back to Game Islamic Fundamentalism
Code of laws in the Byzantine Empire What is…? J/K/L $100
Justinian’s Code Back to Game
Set up during the Glorious Revolution in England, this govt limits the king or queens power with laws What is…? J/K/L $200
Limited Monarchy Back to Game
Organization formed after WWI with the goal of preventing war but failed to prevent WWII (U.S. did not join) J/K/L $300
Back to Game League of Nations
What is…? J/K/L $400 Name for the written laws in ancient Rome
Law of the Twelve Tables Back to Game
What is…? J/K/L $500 Capitalist idea of business operating with no govt interference (supply & demand only)
Laissez-Faire Back to Game
Time in Japan when the country modernized and westernized What is…? M $100
Meiji Restoration Back to Game
Document or Charter signed in England in the 1200s that limited the King’s power What is…? M $200
Magna Carta Back to Game
What is…? M $300 Chinese name for the divine right to rule (power comes from God)
Mandate of Heaven Back to Game
What is…? M $400 Feudal social system where everyone lived on a manor or estate run by the Lord
Manorialism Back to Game
What is…? M $500 Economic policy where a nation relied on colonies for materials so they could export more and increase profit
Mercantilism Back to Game
What is…? N/O $100 Law system under Napoleon that included many Enlightenment ideas like equality
Napoleonic Code Back to Game
What is…? N/O $200 List of 95 complaints against the Catholic church posted by Martin Luther. Caused the Protestant Reformation
95 Thesis Back to Game
What is…? N/O $300 Organization that controls the price and output of oil. Can stop selling oil if the chose.
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Back to Game
What is…? N/O $400 War between Britain and China where the British gained trading control over China in the 1800s
Opium War Back to Game
What is…? N/O $500 Alliance system during the Cold War that included the U.S., Britain & France
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Back to Game
What is…? P $100 The spreading of ideas to promote a certain cause or to damage an opposing cause (think Hitler)
Propaganda Back to Game
What is…? P $200 Period when Europeans broke away from the Catholic Church and formed new Christian churches (hint: Martin Luther)
Protestant Reformation Back to Game
What is…? P $300 War in 1991 that began when Iraq invaded Kuwait to try to take their oil (U.S. & UN intervened)
Persian Gulf War Back to Game
What is…? P $400 Term meaning “Roman Peace” when there was 200 years of peaceful times in the Roman Empire (hint: Latin word for peace)
Pax-Romana Back to Game
What is…? P $500 Movement emphasizing the unity of all African people around the world (nationalist movement). Hint: word for loyalty/unity
Pan-Africanism Back to Game