Using the New ICAA Rubrics Dr. David Hand, Dean Dr. Kim Boyd, Associate Dean
ICAA Summer 2008 Standards: 1. Foundational Documents 2. Governance, Organization, and Accounting 3. Personnel 4. Student Services 5. Teaching and Learning 6. Early Childhood Education 7. Physical Plant, Campus, and Safety
ICAA Summer 2008 Updated Standards Reflects Professional Education Terminology Instructional Strategies and Effective Pedagogy Practices Reflects Alternative Education Deliveries Online courses and online schools Maintains the strong emphasis on Christian Education and Biblical Integration Standard I – Foundational Documents Mission and Philosophy Use of Current Education Research
ICAA Summer 2008 Rubrics: Written and shared criteria for judging performance that indicate the qualities by which levels of performance can be differentiated. Helps to eliminate bias in assessing the schools and helps to establish fairness, accuracy, and consistency as a team determines if the school meets the standards. Helps to eliminate subjective decision-making.
ICAA Summer 2008 Achievement Levels: Unacceptable Does not meet the minimum ICAA requirements. Acceptable Meets the minimum ICAA requirements. Target Demonstrates achievement of desired goals of ICAA. Exemplary Meets the highest level of proficiency.
ICAA Summer 2008 Rubric Terminology: Standards Written expectations for meeting a specified level of performance. Rubrics A detailed description of what a school is expected to have in place in order to meet each standard.
ICAA Summer 2008 Rubric Terminology: Elements The subcategories for each of the standards. Indicators Each of the statements within the rubric.
The Report
ICAA Summer 2008 Report Terminology: Areas for Improvement Required for every ELEMEMT not met at least at the acceptable level. Must be addressed on annual reports. Recommendations Are identified from the Target and/or Exemplary levels. Commendations Are identified from the Acceptable, Target, and/or Exemplary levels.
ICAA Summer 2008 Determining if a Standard is Met or Not Met If ONE element within a Standard is Not Met, or found to be at the Unacceptable level, it becomes an Area for Improvement and the school must address the Area for Improvement each year in its annual report. If MORE THAN ONE element within a Standard is Not Met, or found to be at the Unacceptable level, the standard is Not Met. If ONE Standard is Not Met the school will be recommended for Accreditation with Exception, or will remain at Provisional Status. This will require additional documentation or a Follow-up visit. If MORE THAN ONE Standard is Not Met, the school will be recommended for Accreditation with Probation, Accreditation with Exception, or will remain at Provisional Status. This could result in a Follow-up visit.