It’s commonly thought we use reason most of the time and that emotions occasionally flare up We eat chocolate because we like the taste We get angry at racism We like our friends
Separation of Emotion & Reason Plato BC wisdom & passion are two horses pulling the chariot in different directions Descatre I think, therefore I am Judeo-Christian Separation of Body & Soul
Mechanistic view Reason comes from the Mind & Emotions come from the Body = Reason is Superior
‘’listen to the voice of reason’’ ‘’use your higher faculties’’ ‘’don’t be so emotional’’ ‘’don’t be hysterical’’
Leads to… theory that emotions are a redundant evolutionary adaptation from our savage past
Negative perspective (shame) anxiety mental illness psychology
Many of us experience our emotions passively… we suppress them… we don’t think critically about them… and we certainly don’t consider how they help us acquire knowledge.
Problem Definition e.g. how many different types of love can you think of?
What’s the difference between Feeling & Emotion? Try and group these Theory of knowledge by Nicholas Alchin, p.101
Feelings & Emotions are obviously different but we can’t separate them in discussion e.g. I may have a certain emotion about feeling hungry, cold, or dizzy
One possible classification: Where the emotions originate instinctive emotions, e.g. anger, love social emotions, e.g. guilt, shame How we express the emotions inward looking that draw us in to ourselves, e.g. fear outward looking where we’re drawn out of ourselves, e.g. wonder
Instinctive Inward looking Outward looking Social
Angst Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) Existentialism Fear of your own freedom - responsibility to God - responsibilities to self and others