Our Mission The OPTICON Integrated Infrastructure Initiative brings together many of Europe's astronomical observatories, data centres and laboratories. Our goal is to identify opportunities where greater progress can be made by collaboration than by competition, and to take unified actions to achieve those agreed goals. Dr. John K. Davies OPTICON Project Scientist UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Blackford Hill Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0) Professor Gerard Gilmore. OPTICON Co-ordinator (PI) Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge Madingly Road Cambridge CB3 0HA United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0) Web: Contacts OPTICON - The Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy OPTICON OVERVIEW OPTICON is funded by the European Commission under Contract RII3-CT OPTICON, the Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy, is an ‘Integrated Infrastructure Initiative’ supported by the European Union’s FP6 programme. The EU contract of 19.2 million Euro is supplemented by significant national matching funds. OPTICON combines networking activities, a trans-national access programme involving major European astronomical and solar telescopes and six Joint Research Activities. OPTICON’s objective is to strengthen European astronomy by co-operation and rationalisation. A major OPTICON goal, which is underpinned by many of these individual activities, is to prepare the technology and scientific case for a European Extremely Large Telescope. Networking OPTICON seeks to identify challenges and opportunities for optical-infrared astronomy which require collaboration across Europe. Existing and new Europe-wide working groups will bring together appropriate individuals and agencies to agree goals and then take action to achieve these goals. Working groups cover topics such as ELT science goals, common software, future key technologies, UV astronomy, High Time Resolution Astronomy, Fellowships, Interferometry and future plans for Europe’s 2-4m telescopes The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope ESO (La Silla) The Isaac Newton Group (WHT+ING) The UKIRT in Hawaii The TNG on La Palma The Nordic Optical Telescope The Observatoire Haute Provence The Telescope Bernard Lyot The Carlos Sanchez Telescope THEMIS The Vacuum Tower Telescope The Swedish Solar Telescope The Dutch Open Telescope The Liverpool Telescope (from 2005) Aristarchos (from 2005) Joint Research Activities OPTICON supports 6 joint research activities in technology development. These are co-funded by many of the OPTICON partners. The projects are in the areas of : Interferometry Adaptive Optics Smart Focal Plane technologies Detectors for Adaptive Optics Detectors for High Time Resolution Astrophysics VPH Gratings Trans-National Access The OPTICON trans-national access programme will open up over 20 European telescopes to wider access. In many cases travel and other support may be available to qualified European users. The network includes 18 night-time and 4 solar telescopes at a wide variety of locations and includes the following facilities The Anglo-Australian Observatory The CAHA at Calar-Alto