Regional policy European Commission EN Update on IPA Component III - environment Brussels, 28 November 2008 Erich Unterwurzacher REGIO.I4 – IPA/ISPA
Regional policy European Commission EN 2 Pre-accession Partnership ( Political Framework) National development plans and programmes (national development priorities) Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (all IPA components) Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework Strategic Coherence Framework (IPA Regional Development and Human Resources Development components) Multi-annual Operational Programmes Component III+IV Strategic Framework Relevant Community policies Relevant National Sectoral Strategies Community Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion
Regional policy European Commission EN IPA CIII Breakdown of CIII by area of intervention Component III split:HRTRMK Environment35-45% Transport35-45%30-40%35-45% Regional competitiveness20-30%25-35%20-30% … it can be expected that allocations of funding for environment in future candidate countries will follow similar breakdown –09 IPA Environment2007 – 09 IPA Total TR204,1 m€1.602,5 m€ HR53,5 m€435,8 m€ MC7,6 m€210,5 m€
Regional policy European Commission EN 4 Environment Operational Programmes Programmes oriented towards: Infrastructure projects Acquis compliance Areas and forms of assistance (as defined by Art b of the IPA Implementing Rules): „environment measures related to waste management, water supply, urban waste water and air quality; rehabilitation of contaminated sites and land; areas related to sustainable development which present environmental benefits, namely energy efficiency and renewable energy“ + the Technical Assistance... (preliminary studies, technical support, reinforce the administrative capacity for implementing the assistance)
Regional policy European Commission EN 5 Environment Operational Programmes in CC and MS Concentration as regards available amount of funds v.s. high needs to comply with the acquis communautaire: waste water/drinkable water solid waste management Higher impact on population and environment Compliance with pre-accession strategy, the NPAA, sectoral national strategies and other relevant national documents
Regional policy European Commission EN 6 IPA Component III: some general lessons (already…..!) 1/2 Accreditation/Compliance assessment: –Long, complex, challenging Bottleneck for implementation Staffing and administrative capacity: –Complexity and staffing needs (quality and quantity) underestimated Project Pipeline –Integrated approach, sustainability (financially…) –Quality assurance: meeting required technical standards –Compliance with related acquis difficult –Need for permanent and strong project pipeline Project selection! Leadership, ownership and partnership –Commitment at all levels at all time throughout implementation
Regional policy European Commission EN 7 IPA Component III: specific lessons learnt on environment 2/2 Project preparation – and implementation time Project pipeline – what is mature project Sizing of project proposals Co-financing, involvement of IFIs to close the funding gap Environmental Impact Assessment NIMBY (solid waste), incomplete procedures... Land ownership – often an issue Involvement of project beneficiaries, weak implementation & operation capacity
Regional policy European Commission EN 8 Some essential ingredients for success Central coordination and leadership Institution building at central level (staffing, relevant competencies, training, internal procedures) and ownership in: Core Ministry (strategic coordination, SCF) Line ministries: environment...(OP) Partnership with relevant stakeholders: administration bodies, regions, municipalities, economic and social partners, NGOs Project preparation Preparing for decentralised management: audit, monitoring and financial control to anticipate future management bodies (n+3 rule, co financing rate, …)