Science and Technology Facilities Council Photowalk 2012
Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes La Palma Joint Astronomy Centre Hawaii Four science sites across the UK – hope to extend to telescope sites next year
FermiLab winner Image: Stan Kirschner
Lego robots used in E-ELT R&D, UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Edinburgh Image: William Palin
TRIUMF Image: Andy White
Brookhaven Image: Steve Zimic
STFC lessons learnt Images More people shots! Need to engage with staff, encourage/guide photographers Partnership with Royal Photographic Society Adds kudos but also complexity Promotion Longer lead-in required Haven’t yet hit on the “X factor” needed Online Web presentation of images, and ease of access for voting, critical to engagement
International competition: some questions Are we doing this? If so when Rules Judging Winners How many Prizes Funding for prizes Exhibit Where When Funding for exhibit Future uses