SAICM Health Sector Engagement 2 |2 | Health Sector and SAICM In 2003 countries asked WHO to facilitate participation of global health partners in SAICM (WHA resolution 56.22) Health sector elements contribution, 2 global questionnaires, health sector meetings at PrepComs Development of health sector priorities finalized in Dubai
SAICM Health Sector Engagement 3 |3 | Main Outcomes in Dubai for Health health sector priorities in the GPA recognized importance of human health Confirmed health sector identity in the SAICM process recognized role of WHO and the health sector in implementation arrangements
SAICM Health Sector Engagement 4 |4 | SAICM health sector priorities Ability to access, interpret & apply scientific knowledge Gaps in scientific knowledge Globally harmonized methods for chemical risk assessment Better ways to determine effects of chemicals on health, setting priorities for action & to monitor progress in SAICM implementation
SAICM Health Sector Engagement 5 |5 | SAICM health sector priorities Capabilities of countries to deal with poisonings & incidents Strategies directed at the health of children & workers Alternatives to highly toxic & persistent chemicals Strategies aimed at prevention of chemicals ill-health
SAICM Health Sector Engagement 6 |6 | From development to implementation 2006 WHA welcomed SAICM (WHA59.15) Urged countries to take full account of health aspects Urged countries (health ministries) to participate Requested DG WHO to facilitate implementation
SAICM Health Sector Engagement 7 |7 | WHO response: 1 Finalize a global plan of work for WHO-delivered SAICM activities Focus on health sector priorities Implement through regional offices and country offices In partnership with NGOs and others Participate in SAICM Secretariat and QSP EB and Trust Fund Implementation Committee
SAICM Health Sector Engagement 8 |8 | WHO response: 2 Facilitate engagement of health ministries and other health actors Asks countries to engage health ministries and other health partners for environmental health actions Asks countries to identify highest priority health needs, drawing on global health sector priorities Commitment to share contacts and information for coordination and action WHO will work in support of countries through WHO regional and country offices, health ministries, and affiliated health NGOs.