Atsuto Suzuki
1953 年 a F. Reines G. Gamow
Geophysics by neutrinos, G. Marx Czech J. Phys. B19 (1969)
Nature 310 (1984)
1998 Kobayashi and Fukao, Earth as an antineutrino star, Geophys. Res. Lett. 18 (1991)
2005 Nature 310 (1984)
~ 50 years after G. Gamow’s suggestion from Eligio Lisi
S. Dye, Neutrino 2012
Geo-neutrinos after KamLAND : 2 K : 40 K Detection Geo-neutrinos after KamLAND : 2 K : 40 K Detection 8B8B8B8B pp pep hep 7 Be N O F reactor at Kamioka reactor at Kamioka U U Th K K neutrino-electron elastic scattering e + p e + + n
Geoneutrinos after KamLAND : 3 : Directionality Measurement Geoneutrinos after KamLAND : 3 : Directionality Measurement Crust Mantle, Core
inverse – decay reaction : 1 st step How to Measure Direction e p e+e+ r reconstruct r reconstruct (cm) E = 2.5 MeV
inverse – decay reaction : 2 nd step How to Measure Direction e p e+e+ n E = 2.5 MeV cos
inverse – decay reaction : 3 rd step How to Measure Direction e p e+e+ n ** X cos * E = 2.5 MeV
e + p e + + n n + A A* + and/or w/o ’s + and/or w/o ’s new liquid scintillator
e e ~ 1 km 13 measurement shallow detector Geo-neutrino measurement
Hawaii : Highway to the Heaven Hawaii : Highway to the Mantle
KEK Penguin Diagram dream !
E. Ohtani (Tohoku U.) Moon
Great Particle Microscopes and Neutrino Telescopes