AGENDA, 4/7/2011 REMEMBER Ms. Jimenez will be helping you create your schedules!. 1. Political Cartoon Analysis. 2. Turn in your reading Cornell notes from pages Finish with any notes on Europe by pasting them in. 4. Period 1ONLY, Quick-write on a North American landmark. 5. Stamp Chapter Focus & Read to Discover pages 92 & 93 which should now be added to the Notebook. 6. Add page 98 Read to Discover into your Notebook. 7. Read pages with Cornell Notes, due today. Make sure you find the answers to the Read to Discover ques. Answer the Geographic Themes ques. on 98, Focus on Geographic Themes ques. on pages 99 and 101.
OBJECTIVES, 4/7/2011 Students Shall; Create a schedule for next year with the assistance of Ms. Jimenez. Using Reading Cornell Notes, become familiar with the physical topography & climate zones of North America.
MODERN EUROPE Europe’s status in the world Europe is one of the world’s leaders in economics, politics, the arts, science & technology. Today Europe is composed of 50 nation- states. Currently, 27 nation-states of Europe have joined the European Union. The EU goals include; a common economy ¤cy, common immigration policies, scientific research, & military operations. Things have not been easy for the EU. A permanent Constitution was not approved by voters in France & the Netherlands in In 2008 Irish voters did not approve it either.
EUROPE COMPARED TO THE USA EuropeUnited States Is known for its elite universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. Known for its elite universities such as Harvard, Yale, & Princeton. Europe is very diverse. It embraces multiculturalism. The USA is also very diverse. At times it is not as accepting of multiculturalism as Europe. Europe is willing to work with other nations. 27 nations joined the European Union, a giant super nation. The USA cooperates with other nations. No attempt of uniting with all the nations of North America has ever been considered. Europe is one of the world’s most powerful continents. However, after World War II, its might has been reduced. The USA is now the world’s only superpower. It surpassed Europe after WWII. India, & China may become the next superpower.
EUROPE COMPARED TO THE USA EuropeUnited States of America Most democracies are either a Constitutional Monarchy, a Parliamentary democracy, or some combination. The USA is also a democracy. It is a federal, presidential form of democracy. Europe and the USA are important allies. Europe has also been the victims of terrorist attacks. Again, the USA & Europe are key allies. September 11, 2001 was of course the day of terrorist attacks
QUICK-WRITE #1, WHAT IS THE LANDMARK? Take 3 minutes and write down everything that you know about this famous American landmark. You have seen this landmark before. Some of you will be called upon to share.
AGENDA, 4/8/ Turn in your; Reading Cornell Notes from pages & Questions from pages 86 & (Focus on Geographic Themes). Current Event News Article. 2.Political Cartoon Analysis, last one of the week. 3. Think-Pair-Share, how man states and capitals of the USA can you list? 4. Quick-write on a famous American landmark. 5. Key Terms and landforms review 6. Reading questions, starting on page 93. Answer in complete sentences. Turn it in on a separate paper. 7. Quick-write #2 on a famous landform. 8. KWL Chart on North America’s history, people, government, economics, geography.
OBJECTIVES, 4/8/2011 Students Shall; Become familiar with the physical geography of North America. List as many states and capitals as they can.
FACTS ABOUT NORTH AMERICA How many nations make up North America? The continent of North America is made up of 23 independent nations. Several areas are territories which belong to another nation. What are the 3 nations usually recognized with North America? The United States, Canada, & Mexico. What are N. America’s demographics? North America’s population is just under 530 million people. The most common languages are; English, French, & Spanish. The three largest ethnic groups are; Whites (descendants of European settlers), Mestizos (mix of Europeans & Native Americans), and Blacks. Most populous metropolitan (city) areas. The metropolitan areas with the most people include; Mexico City, New York, Los Angeles, Houston, & Toronto (Canada)
HOW MANY STATES AND STATE CAPITALS CAN YOU NAME? Think-Pair-Share With a partner list as many of the contiguous states as you can. Also include the state capitals and… Explain why Alaska and Hawaii cannot be on this list.