– In this picture we can see the different climates of our planet, the Earth.
TYPES OF CLIMATES In the world there are three important types of climate, they are : – The hot climate. – The moderate climate. – The cold climate.
HOT CLIMATE – The hot climate is between 0º and 30º latitude North and South. – Its temperature is above 20ºC. – A lot of precipitations(more than 1200mm)
MODERATE CLIMATE – The moderate climate is between the 30º and 60º latitude North and South. – Its temperature is between 0º and 20ºC. – A lot of precipitations (between 500mm and 1000mm)
COLD CLIMATE – It is between 60º and 90º latitude North and South. – In high mountains, above 2500m. – Its temperature doesn´t reach above 0º in polar areas and eveng less in high mountains. – Its precipitations change between rain and snow.
CLIMATES OF THE MODERATE ZONE In the moderate zone we can find three types of climates : – Continental climate. – Mediterranean climate. – Oceanic climate.
CONTINENTAL CLIMATE – The climate of this zone is very extreme, because it is not near the sea. – It has got two types of landscape:the pine forest and grassy areas. – The people use the cellulose to make the paper. They live of the crop and the livestock farmer too.
MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATE – The mediterranean climate is characterisized by the heat and drought in the summers. – Its trees have evergreen leaves. Big mammals don’t live in the mediterranean landscape. – The people live of the what, grapevine and olive.
OCEANIC CLIMATE – The oceanic climate is in the coast zone and it is affect for strong winter. – Its forest are of deciduous leaf, but its principal landscape is the meadow. – In this zone there are a lot of population, big industries and is it very developed.
CLIMATES OF THE HOT ZONE In the hot zone we can find three tipes of climates: – Equatorial climate – Tropical climate – Desert climate
EQUATORIAL CLIMATE – Its temperatures always are very high and the precipitationes are very abundant. – Its vegetation is very abundant and exuberant, the jungle. – The animals are small. – The African villages live of harvest of fruits and of the agriculture.
TROPICAL CLIMATE – The temperature of this climate are high during all year.It has got two season very different,they are: the humidity season and the dry season. – Sabana is the more characterisized vegetation.The trees are scarce. – Some people work in the ganadery.Other are farmers.
DESERT CLIMATE – The desert climate has large changes of temperature, the day is very hot and the night is very cold. – In the desert hardly live animals, alone the ones that can adapt to it, because there isn’t any water or any vegetation. – The desert are little it populated.Groups of nomadic shepherd live in the limit of the desert.The sedentary people of the desert live near the oasis.
CLIMATES OF THE COLD ZONE In the cold zone we can find two types of climate and they are: – The polar climate. – The mountain climate.
POLAR CLIMATE – Its temperature are very cold, above 0º and can become -40º. – It hasn’t got any vegetation a cause of the snow mant it is know like the cold desert.In summer, the snow dissapear and appear tundra. – The polar bears, the seals and the penguins are the animals that live there. – There live the Inuits and the Lapones.
MOUNTAIN CLIMATE – The temperature are low during all year, and the precipitations are less in more altitude, and always fall in form of snow. – The vegtation change according three fractions that are: the latitude, the altitude and bearings. – The life in the high mountain is dificult. Its population work in the agriculture. Also it produced the electricity and is developing activities like the climbing and the skiing.