Naming Compounds Chapter 6 (Chapter 9)
Rules for Naming Compounds Formula begins with a metal Formula does NOT begin with a metal (NH4+ acts like a metal) Only 2 elements More than 2 elements ‘H’ in front NO ‘H’ in front ) Metal name * ) Non metal ROOT + IDE )Metal name * 2) Polyatomic name ) Name 1st element ) 2nd element ROOT + IDE ) Prefix needed for subscripts (di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, deca) *These metals use a Roman Numeral after their name to indicate it’s charge Copper (I) – Cu+1 Copper (II)- Cu+2 Mercury(I) – Hg2+2 Mercury(II) – Hg+2 Iron(II) – Fe+2 Iron (III) – Fe+3 Chromium (II) – Cr+2 Chromium(III) – Cr+3 Manganese(II) – Mn+2 Manganese(III) – Mn+3 Cobalt(II) – Co+2 Cobalt(III) – Co+3 Lead(II) – Pb+2 Lead(IV) – Pb+4 Tin(II) – Sn+2 Tin(IV) – Sn+4 Only 2 elements More than 2 elements Polyatomic ends with ATE Polyatomic ends with ITE ) Write HYDRO ) 2nd element ROOT + IC ) Write ACID Classic Names: add –OUS for lower charge/ -IC for higher charge to these roots 1) Polyatomic ROOT + IC ) Write ACID )Polyatomic ROOT + OUS )Write ACID Cupr - Mercur - Ferr - Chrom - Mangan - Cobalt - Plumb - Stann -
K2SO4 Potassium sulfate
CaC2O4 Calcium oxalate
H2SO3 Sulfurous acid
(NH4)2S Ammonium sulfide
Magnesium hydrogen carbonate Mg(HCO3)2 Magnesium hydrogen carbonate
CCl4 Carbon tetrachloride
Diphosphorous pentoxide P2O5 Diphosphorous pentoxide
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
SF6 sulfur hexafluoride
H2C2O4 Oxalic acid
Al(C2H3O2) 3 Aluminum acetate
H3PO4 Phosphoric Acid
HF Hydrofluoric Acid
Ba(ClO)2 Barium hypochlorite
LiBr Lithium bromide
HClO4 Perchloric acid
Rb2O Rubidium oxide
Sr(OH)2 Strontium hydroxide
Potassium permanganate KMnO4 Potassium permanganate
NaCN Sodium cyanide
Calcium hydrogen sulfite Ca(HSO3)2 Calcium hydrogen sulfite
Ba(NO3)2 Barium nitrate
H3PO3 Phosphorous acid
Ag2CrO4 Silver chromate
ZnCO3 Zinc carbonate
SO3 Sulfur trioxide
BeSe Beryllium selenide
AlN Aluminum nitride
NH4C2H3O2 Ammonium acetate
Phosphorous trichloride PCl3 Phosphorous trichloride
Potassium hydrogen phosphite K2HPO3 Potassium hydrogen phosphite
H2SO4 Sulfuric acid
H2S Hydrosulfuric acid
(NH4)2C2O4 Ammonium oxalate
HNO2 Nitrous acid
Al2(SO4)3 Aluminum sulfate
LiClO2 Lithium chlorite
Ag2Cr2O7 Silver dichromate
Hl Hydroiodic acid
NaClO Sodium hypochlorite
NI3 Nitrogen triodide
H2CrO4 Chromic acid
Rules for Naming Compounds Formula begins with a metal Formula does NOT begin with a metal (NH4+ acts like a metal) Only 2 elements More than 2 elements ‘H’ in front NO ‘H’ in front ) Metal name * ) Non metal ROOT + IDE )Metal name * 2) Polyatomic name ) Name 1st element ) 2nd element ROOT + IDE ) Prefix needed for subscripts (di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, deca) *These metals use a Roman Numeral after their name to indicate it’s charge Copper (I) – Cu+1 Copper (II)- Cu+2 Mercury(I) – Hg2+2 Mercury(II) – Hg+2 Iron(II) – Fe+2 Iron (III) – Fe+3 Chromium (II) – Cr+2 Chromium(III) – Cr+3 Manganese(II) – Mn+2 Manganese(III) – Mn+3 Cobalt(II) – Co+2 Cobalt(III) – Co+3 Lead(II) – Pb+2 Lead(IV) – Pb+4 Tin(II) – Sn+2 Tin(IV) – Sn+4 Only 2 elements More than 2 elements Polyatomic ends with ATE Polyatomic ends with ITE ) Write HYDRO ) 2nd element ROOT + IC ) Write ACID Classic Names: add –OUS for lower charge/ -IC for higher charge to these roots 1) Polyatomic ROOT + IC ) Write ACID )Polyatomic ROOT + OUS )Write ACID Cupr - Mercur - Ferr - Chrom - Mangan - Cobalt - Plumb - Stann -
CuBr2 Copper(II) bromide Cupric bromide
Fe(NO3)3 Iron (III) nitrate Ferric nitrate
SnF2 Tin(II) fluoride Stannous fluoride
PbI2 Lead(II) Iodide Plumbous Iodide
Co(NO2)2 Cobalt(II) nitrite Cobaltous nitrite
FeO Iron(II) oxide Ferrous oxide
Iron(III) sulfate Fe2(SO4)3
Cupric oxalate CuC2O4
Lead(IV) oxide PbO2 When +4 and -2 charges are paired up, REDUCE the subscripts to ‘1’ and ‘2’