Defining 10GBASE-S over OM4media (Engineered Link) Steve Swanson, Corning Adrian Amezcua, Draka
Supporters John Abbott, Corning Gerard Kuyt, Draka James Lott, VIS Systems Paul Kolesar, Commscope Sharon Lutz, USConec Rick Pimpinella, Panduit Valerie Maguire, Siemon Robert Lingle, OFS Paul Vanderlaan, Nexans
CISCO proposal
Corning-Draka proposal to to 500 (1) Define an Engineered Link in Table 52-6 (1) Links longer than 400m are considered engineered links. The cable attenuation and connector allocation needs to be less than that specified in IS In addition, the maximum spectral width of the VCSEL is a subset of that specified in this standard. For example, with a cable attenuation of 3.0 dB/km, a connector allocation of 1.0 dB and a maximum spectral width of 0.30nm, a 500m link length is supported.
VCSEL characteristics CISCO proposal considers worst case sources 500m reach is possible with a subset of sources.
Reducing cable and connectorization loss CISCO proposal 3.5dB/km cable attenuation, 1.5dB connector loss. By reducing the cable attenuation to 3.0dB/km and connector loss to 1.0dB, the margin increases 0.70dB. This extra margin can be used to extend the reach
10GbE reach on OM3 & OM4 System margin calculations based on IEEE spreadsheet model show that chromatic dispersion ultimately limits the reach of 10GbE on OM4 7 System Margins with OM3 Connector loss = 1.5dB Fiber Attenuation = 3.5dB/km EMB = 2,000MHz-km Connector loss = 1.0dB Fiber Attenuation = 3.0dB/km EMB = 4,700MHz-km System Margins with OM4
System Budget with narrow sources (1) These calculations are based on central wavelength at 840nm (worst case scenario). The central wavelength of most sources is close to 850nm and at this wavelength the BW of the fiber is > Reach up to 500m is feasible
System Budget with narrow sources (2)