TRIUMF a TIER 1 Center for ATLAS Canada Steven McDonald TRIUMF Network & Computing Services iGrid 2005 – San Diego Sept 26 th – 29 th 2005
** * * * * * * * * * * Centre - CountryALICEATLASCMSLHCbMB/s ASCC - TaipeiXX110 CNAF - ItalyXXXX220 PIC - SpainXXX200 CC-IN2P3 - FranceXXXX220 FZK - GermanyXXXX220 RAL - EnglandXXXX220 BNL –United StatesX154 FNAL – United StatesX50 TRIUMF - CanadaX75 NIKHEF - NetherlandsXXX175 NORDIC GRIDXXX90 # TIER1 Sites ,600
The TRIUMF Facility Located in Vancouver, Canada Research is performed locally using the world’s largest 500MeV Cyclotron As well as internationally at CERN-ATLAS BNL-KOPIO KEK-Neutrino Experiment ~400 full-time employees Nuclear Physics Particle Physics Astrophysics Material Science Proton & PET Therapy Radiopharmaceuticals Radioactive beams Microchip design Canada’s National Laboratory for sub-atomic physics
Politics & Funding TRIUMF 5 yr budget cycle runs , TRIUMF ATLAS Tier1 centre is one of the main TRIUMF programs to be undertaken in that 5 year plan However, the Canadian political climate has been somewhat turbulent for the last year with an election expected to be called at the end of the year, consequently funding for ATLAS at TRIUMF has not been fully secured? TRIUMF’s 5 yr budget request for an ATLAS Tier1 centre was $8M Capital, with 9 more additional FTE’s Two FTE’s were hired last year for ATLAS at TRIUMF Until Funding is fully secured TRIUMF’s Core Computing & Networking Group is providing the initial 10G infrastructure, along with CANARIE and HEPnet Canada.
The ATLAS Experiment 2000 physicists in 34 countries ATLAS Canada ~0.6 TIER1 ~80 Physicists 4.5% of ATLAS Colab. Size of 5 story Building millions of channels of data Discover the Higgs particle 30 million events per second Year CPU (kSI2K) DISK (PB) TAPE (PB) Totals for all 10 TIER1’s integrated over the years 1 kSI2K = 3GHz CPU Tier0 – Tier1 network meeting in Amsterdam Jan ‘05 made it clear all Tier1 sites would require a 10 Gbps network connection to CERN This would accommodate the expected sustained data rates with head room for efficiency, burst and recovery traffic.
Sept 1 ‘05 3 rd week Sept ‘05 End Oct ‘05 Amsterdam
The TRIUMF-CERN 1GbE Lightpath(s) TRIUMF BCNET CANARIE SURFnet CERN 1 GbE circuit established April 18 th nd GbE circuit established July 19 th 2005
ATLAS Tier2 in Canada TRIUMF Tier 1 Eastern Tier2 CERN TIER 0 10G 1G Dedicated e2e Lightpaths Can be lightpaths or on the routed 1Gbps CA*net4 research network ~5G ? ? Tier 1 There will be two Tier 2’s Centres in Canada, one in the East and one in the West. Each centre will be a distributed across several sites, with one contact point Western Tier2 1G Tier2’s
CWDM & Lightpaths at TRIUMF /CA*net4 10 2x 1 2x 1 2x 1 Aug 2002 TRIUMF Local loop to Gigapop & CA*net4 PoP ~ 22km
TRIUMF WAN CWDM Equipment BCNET 22km 10GbE Foundry Switch -> CERN MRV CWDM 1610 nm 1590 nm 1570 nm 1550 nm Potential to Add 2 more 1GbE channels Single Pair Fiber 4 1GbE channels Passport 8600 ORAN WESTGRID 2x CERN SFP 4 Port Optical Mux 2x GbE TDM
Transfer results over 10GbE circuit
TRIUMF Tier1 → Canada Tier2’s Participating Canadian Tier2 sites in SC3 Simon Fraser University University of Victoria University of Alberta University of Toronto T1-T2 network activity Aug 17 - Aug 24 : All four Tier 2 sites participating
A Daily snap-shot of SC3
10 GbE Lightpaths to CERN TRIUMF CERN Atlantic Crossing √ √ √ √ √ √ X
Summary … Currently, 2 x 1 GbE circuits TRIUMF to CERN (since April 18 th / July 19 th 2005) 10 GbE Foundry NI40G’s & NI1500 on loan In Progress – To be completed by end of year Circuits Sept 1 st 2005 CANARIE/CA*net4 was delivered a 10GbE circuit between Amsterdam and New York 3 rd week Sept 2005 CA*net4 add 4 th OC192 circuit across Canada End of October add a 5 th OC192 circuit across Canada Still waiting on final Lambda between Amsterdam-CERN (GEANT2 ?) 10 GbE Equipment Last mile DWDM optics for TRIUMF/BCNET expected by Oct/Nov ‘05 10G Foundry Rx-4 switch ordered, expect delivery Oct/Nov ‘05