DEFINITION DEFINITION The action of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this.
THE LAW OF THE LID The ability to lead will determine how well you will succeed. The better leader you become, the more success you will become. The better leader you are, the larger the organization you can develop Your organization will grow according to the level of your leadership ability. The best leaders will grow the biggest business.
TO HELP RAISE THE LID, I MUST LEARN THE RULES OF 5 If there is a tree in your backyard and you want to bring it down, you will need an axe, the rule 5 says Find your tree- i.e. your goal. Where is your axe- i.e. the tools needed to achieve your goals? #Doing a little bit everyday is better than doing a lot someday.
RULE NUMBER ONE LEAD YOURSELF. If you wouldn’t follow yourself, why will anyone else follow you? That is having the leadership qualities in you to lead other people. It is not what you say to them that make you effective, it is what they see in you.
THE LAW OF MAGNETISM We attract who we are not who we want. Too many leaders are travel agents; they send people where they have never been themselves. People don’t want to follow your finger, they want to follow you. We teach what we know but we reproduce what we are Central Research says “85% of everything learnt in life are learnt visually.
JAMES ALLEN “People are anxious to improve their circumstances but are not anxious to improve themselves”
THE LAW OF DO The first person that you must lead is YOU. Don’t tell me what you are going to do, show me what you are going to do. DECLARATION “EVERYDAY I WILL LEAD MYSELF.”
Rule Two: Rule Two: EVERYDAY I WILL ADD VALUE TO PEOPLE If you help others people get what they want, they will help you get what you want. Leaders focus on others first. A leader must say to himself every morning, “Who will I add value to today and how will I achieve it. Who did I add value to today and how did I achieve it The more people you influence, the more people you will have in your business.
HOW DO I ADD VALUE TO PEOPLE I add value to people when I value people I have to know and relate to what you value. GREAT LEADERS LISTEN >> LEARN>> LEAD. The only way you can be valuable to someone today is learn something new today. When leaders stop valuing people they should stop leading people. Valuing people is the core longevity of leadership. DECLARATION- EVERYDAY I WILL ADD VALUE TO PEOPLE
RULE 3 RULE 3 Everyday I study leadership I can’t improve my leadership without studying leadership. DECLARATION- EVERYDAY I STUDY LEADERSHIP
RULE 4 Everyday I practice leadership “ if you want to be successful in doing something you must have done it 10, 000 times. – Malcom B. Practice gives confidence DECLARATION- EVERYDAY I PRACTICE LEADERSHIP
RULE 5 RULE 5 EVERYDAY I INTENTIONALLY GROW -To grow, I need to locate a growth environment. -If you are ahead of the class, then you are in the wrong class. -I need a growth environment where I can be completely challenged -A growth environment is a place I wake up excited. -A growth environment is a place where people are ahead of me. -A growth environment is where my focus is forward
CREATING A CULTURE OF SUCCESS Your business will grow as fast as you grow. To grow a large organization, you must have to build self confidence. DECLARATION- EVERYDAY I INTENTIONALLY GROW