Grant Levi, NDDOT Director 1
SB Early funding passed in February Western North Dakota State Highways $450 million Counties $240 million Cities$282 million * $972 million Central and Eastern North Dakota Counties$112 million Townships$ 16 million $128 million TOTAL = $1.1 Billion 2 (This amount is not included in HB 1012 because not all funding is designated for roads and it is distributed by Treasurer’s office.)
HB 1176 Contains Formula change: Western North Dakota Many resources are dedicated to western ND in this bill. It contains tax formula change and local county/city authorities decide how to spend funding. Central and Eastern North Dakota Counties = $112 million (Dedicated to transportation projects.) TOTAL = $112 Million 3
Currently NDDOT’s Total Budget is $2.82* Billion. This funding includes maintenance and enhancement of state, county, city and township roadways, as well as funding for other NDDOT programs which provide snow and ice control, road maintenance, driver’s license and motor vehicle registration services throughout North Dakota. 5
$2.26* billion for Road Projects (numbers include state, federal & match funding) Western North Dakota = $1.44 * billion State Highways =$1,137.9* million Includes Early “Surge” Funding=$450 million from SB 2103 Cities, Counties and Townships = $306.9 million Central and Eastern North Dakota = $824 million State Highways = $452.3 million Cities, Counties and Townships = $371.1 million *Trigger Funding - A portion of the SB 2015 transportation funding is based on a trigger that is contingent upon revenue exceeding projections in the General Fund. Western North Dakota enhanced state highway funds include: $18.00 million - No trigger on this funding $20.00 million - Based on a trigger that is contingent upon revenue exceeding projections by $20M on 6/30/15 in the General Fund. $25.85 million - Based on a trigger that is contingent upon revenue exceeding projections by $126M on either 12/31/15 or 6/30/16 in General Fund. $46.00 million - Based on a trigger that is contingent upon revenue exceeding projections by $250M on 12/31/16 in General Fund. Total = $ Million 6
HB 1012 also includes funding for the following programs: Short Line Rail Program = $7 million Special Roads Fund Program = $2 million Transit Program = $24.8 million (includes state & federal funds with an additional $200,000 of state funding based on a trigger) Studies included in HB1012: Funding for a joint study with NDDOT and Upper Great Plains to look at truck size and weight (gross vehicle weight and length). Short Line Railroad Study. High Efficiency Vehicle Study. NDDOT to report on State Rail Plan Study. NDDOT report to legislative management on funding allocations to transit providers. 7
NDDOT’s Executive Budget recommendation assumes approximately $616.5 million in federal funding will be received. Unfortunately, the current transportation funding program MAP-21 was extended to only May 31, This is a short-term extension of the program and as a result 2015 funding is still uncertain. To date NDDOT has received a federal appropriation of approximately $143 million for Federal Funding Update 8
Federal Funding If no new revenues are found, federal highway obligations will fall by almost 100% in FY * Assumes Congress will fully fund MAP21 proposed expenditures in * 9
Questions? 10