Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
Other Animal’s Respiration: Sponge, hydra, planaria – diffusion from water Earthworm – skin Insect – spiracles and trachea lead to air sacs Fish – gills
Other Animal’s Circulation: Sponge, hydra, planaria – diffusion Earthworm – aortic arches Insect – dorsal heart Fish – 2-chambered heart Amphibian – 3 chambered heart Reptile and bird – 3+ chambered heart
These systems are interrelated in humans
Anatomy of Our Respiratory System Site of gas exchange
What happens when we breathe?
Problems with Respiration Infection – colds, flu, pneumonia Bronchitis Asthma cancer
Our blood actually takes two paths during circulation
Human Heart circulation Pathway: Enters heart from superior and inferior vena cavae Right atrium Right ventricle Pulmonary arteries To the Lungs 4. Pulmonary veins 5. Left atrium 6. Left Ventricle 7. Aorta To the rest of the body
These are the arteries involved in heart attacks
Components of Blood
Blood Vessels
Problems of the Circulatory System Heart attack Angina High blood pressure (hypertension) Palpitations
The End