The Cross of Christ John 12:20-33 Greeks wanted to see Jesus v Asked Philip (apostle with Greek name) Jesus used this as an occasion to explain His purpose v Must die as a seed in order to produce fruit Pray for God to save Him from this? v.27 NO! It is His purpose for coming purpose in life Impact of His death on the world v.31-32
The Cross of Christ Every action and decision the cross Lk 2:30-35 Luke 2:48-49 My Father’s business Luke 2:51-52 subjection to parents Learned obedience thru suffering Heb. 5:8 Suffered by enduring temptation Heb. 2:18 Every temptation is a decision Jesus always chose us over self Saw every temptation for what it was Matt. 16:21-23
The Cross of Christ Jesus endured the cross by choice Heb. 12:2 True submission is by choice not by force Was exalted afterward Philippians 2:5-11 Produced fruit by His death Jn 12:24 Proof of high priesthood Numbers 17:8 Dead stick life and fruit Proof of better priesthood Hb 7:16 Dead body of Jesus eternal life and us Jesus loves you more than Himself
The Cross of Christ Lori Thornhill (in Room 839 at Baptist Med. Center; mask and gloves still necessary when visiting) Marcus Barger (at home recovering from his heart transplant) Boyce Barger family (flu) Mildred Prince (dizziness and blood pressure) Mildred Barger, Cindy Berryhill, Shorty Norman, Tim Robertson (back pain) Irwin Barger, Ruby Hicks, Harry Prince (various physical ailments) Ruby’s daughters Sheila (blood cancer) and Virginia (abdominal surgery) Harry’s daughter Ann Ibeling (congestive heart failure) and sister-in-law Tommie (serious diabetic complications) Jerry McClendon’s brother Harry (liver cancer) Mildred Barger’s brother-in-law Frank Philyaw (cancer) Lori’s sister Kelli (recovering from her heart transplant) and niece Bridgette (heart issues and new baby Otto) Herb’s cousin Teresa Blakemore (painful spinal cancer) John Ragsdale (losing eyesight) Darlene’s cousin Sandra Hammond (cancer) Steve Schoenholz (lymphoma and leukemia)