By Briley Court
First picture ever taken! (I don’t really know what it is of…) m/2007/05/sho rt-history-of- audiovideo- technology.html
All film history was started with a bet by a man trying to prove a point. ory-of-film--74
Edward Muybridge bet $25,000 that at some point all four legs of a horse will be off the ground at some point. ory-of-film--74
Thomas Edison invented the first motion picture camera. He then patented his design… m
Dickson shoots many different 15 second videos with Thomas Edison’s famous motion camera. tm
First public demonstration of motion pictures in France. tm
THE FIRST MOVIE!!!! This film was called “The arrival of the train at La Ciotat” These movies were mostly about labor in early life.
Development of the Cathode Ray Tube by Ferdinand Braun. tm
Use of the Cathode Ray Tube to produce television images! tm
The first television show, ever… The show was normally just a man smoking a cigarette, it sounds boring now but back then it was amazing to see anything on the “magicbox!”
CBS broadcasts its first color program. or_Programming_rev_h.htm
FCC authorizes the NTSC standard for color television broadcast in the United States.
Sony markets the first betamax VCR for home viewing and recording.
JVC introduces the VHS format for the VCR arena.
Dolby laboratories introduces Dolby stereo for movies.
Phillips markets the first video laser dick player.
Dell releases the first mac 4 microprocessor. 5/short-history-of-audiovideo- technology.html
The world standard for optical digital audio compact disc (CD) is established. 5/short-history-of-audiovideo- technology.html
Phillips demonstrates the CD for the fist time. 5/short-history-of-audiovideo- technology.html
Sony releases the first CD player. 5/short-history-of-audiovideo- technology.html