S.Hou, Academia Sinica Taiwan
2Outline Optical links for ATLAS Laser-driver fiber PIN-driver LHC modules in service Rad-hard requirement for LHC/SLHC Radiation tests for LHC application and beyond Beam LCU, IUCF, Tohoku VCSEL: very rad-hard and fast (>1 GHz) PIN: candidate fast, rad-hard Si, GaAs products NIEL scaling revisited
3 Optical links for ATLAS inner detector Opto-flex: Holds VDCs, DORICs, PINs, VCSELs VDC: VCSEL Driver Circuit DORIC: Digital Optical Receiver Integrated Circuit –Binary readout, two links per module (redundancy) to the ReadOut Drivers (RODs) Total ~17500 links (SCT+pixel), data 40Mbits/sec –TTC (clock, L1 Trigger, commands) to detector modules, one link per module & redundancy by link to neighbouring module.
4 On-detector opto-electronics Fibres in furcation tubing silicon silicon Redundancy links Opto-package with fibres
5 Radiation SLHC Detector modules use opto-electronics for readout and control Rad-hard is required for Laser, PIN, drivers and fibres Fluence expressed for 1 MeV neutron equivalent of the NIEL (Non-Ionizing Energy Loss) calculations NIEL factors for Neutrons [MeV] 1 20 GaAs [keV cm 2 /g] Si [keV cm 2 /g] 1.8 NIEL factors for Protons [MeV] GaAs [keV cm 2 /g] Si [keV cm 2 /g] [Summers, IEEE NS (1993)] Radiation
6 Rad-hard tests for opto-electronics VCSEL and PINs tested for LHC New components of Hamamatsu tested for SLHC Beam tests at Cyclotron facilities −Louvain-la-Neuve CRC: neutron 20 MeV (av) of deutron on Be target −Tohoku CYRIC: proton 30, 70 MeV −Indianna IUCF: proton 200 MeV same test setup, perform NIEL comparison CYRIC control room CRC beam area IUCF beam area
7 Beam tests setup Online/Passive irradiations to VCSELs L-I-V measurements in 10nA annealing to 50 hours a switching circuit reading PIN current to VCSELs, by NI6024 PCMCIA to PC Online/Passive PIN current w. LED on/off I-V scan 0 to -20V, LED/beam on/off PIN current to Keithley/Agilent to NI-USB to PC VCSEL DAQ IUCF irradiatedCYRIC irradiated
8 Opto-electronics, VCSEL characteristics VCSEL: Vertical Cavity surface emitting laser diode −GaAs, thin active layer ‹10 μm, very rad-hard −high speed (>2GHz), 850 nm matching to thin epitaxial Si PIN diodes −Little uniform temperature dependence Two types (by Truelight inc.) in use −Proton implant VCSEL (ATLAS on detector) −Oxide confined VCSEL (off-detector on ROD) high power (mW), ch-ch performance is very uniform, little temperature deviation L-I of an VCSEL array of 12 channels,
9 VCSEL degradation is linear to fluence online recorded by rad-hard fiber readout independent to Flux rate Fast annealing by charge injection operation current (10 nA) applied VCSEL irradiation online, and annealing L-I of VCSEL (oxide) vs. online Fluence L-I of VCSEL (oxide) vs. Annealing time
10 VCSEL annealing in time Charge injection at the nominal 10 nA laser current Fit to f(t)= f ∞ - a exp( -t/ τ ) recovery time ~ 5 hours uniform, low systematics over channels
11 VCSEL degradation vs proton energy & fluence CYRIC 30 and 70 MeV proton Annealed L/L(0) shows 1. linear to fluence, 2. twice damage with 30 MeV than 70 MeV Systematic errors mechanical matching ~5% fluence due to beam profile ~10% 1. Aluminum plate + isotope measurement 2. Dosimetry by film HD Nucl.Asso
12 Summary on VCSEL rad-hard VCSEL in proton radiation (ATLAS, Truelight) linear L-I, fast (>2 GHz) fast annealing (~5hrs) after irradiation linear shift toward higher threshold current less damaged with higher proton energy deviates from the NIEL calculation GaAs solar cell Srour, IEEE TNS 50, 653 (2003) VCSEL (GaAs) at I=10 mA
13 Proton damage to PIN Proton damage to PINs reduced P-N depletion, lower responsivity Wave form to damage (4x MeV p/cm 2 ) rise/fall time < 1 ns (20%-80%) Truelight PIN for ATLAS
14 PIN responsivity online Proton beam on/off with LED light on/off do online PIN V R scan beam on, beam off Each strip is a 0-20V scan Beam off: + LED on + LED off Beam on: + LED on + LED off ATLAS LHC PIN, Truelight Epitaxial Si PIN LED on LEDoff Quick recovery expelling dark current Forward bias (30 MeV p)
15 Candidate high speed PINs for SLHC 0-20V scans Beam off: LED on LED off Beam on: LED on LED off
16 PIN I-V scan versus fluence I-V curves for PINs after cumulated fluences ATLAS PIN is a thick device ø=100 μm, V R =10V damage is at the very beginning Significant increase on dark current ~ 100nA/ch Candidate Hamamatsu PINs ø=100 μm, V R =2V, fc=2 GHz ø=40 μm, V R =5V, fc=3 GHz I LED on I dark prior to irradiation
17 Summary on PIN proton damage Degradation of responsivity (I/L) proton 2E14 30 MeV 70 MeV V R fc diam. I/L I/L Dark I/L Dark Vol GHz μm A/W ratio nA ratio nA Truelight % 70 45% 50 S % % 20 S % % 10 S % % 50 G % 0 80% 0 G % 0 72% 0 G % 0 72% 0 PIN rad-hard depend on fabrication parameters thickness vs A/W vs speed & rad-hard Proton energy dependence Si PIN : compatible damage by 30 and 70 MeV proton GaAs PIN : twice damage by 30 MeV than 70 MeV
18 Conclusion Conclusion − Optical link provides low mass, no cross talk key elements: laser and PIN are thin devices − VCSEL is very rad-hard and is fast for >GHz − PINs can be rad-hard and fast too − NIEL scaling does not apply for GaAs devices