Sulfur Atomic Number – 16 S Image Smells like rotten eggs and foul skunk odors (hydrogen sulfide) Found in pores of active volcanoes, gunpowder Also cause of acid rain Found in sulfuric acid – compound used to make many other substances
Chlorine Atomic Number – 17 Cl Image Toxic gas (used in WWI) Kills bacteria, keeps use safe from waterborne diseases (cholera and typhoid fever) Found in salt shakers and swimming pools Found in pesticides (DDT) and associated with CFC’s
Argon Atomic Number – 18 Ar Noble GasImageImage Used in dangerous jobs (welding) due to unwillingness to react Light bulbs, between window panes (poor heat conductor) 3 rd most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere
Potassium Atomic Number – 19 K Alkali Metal Image Stored under oil so does not react with air Highly reactive (more than sodium) Essential for human functions (brain neurons) Too much causes heart attack Found in bananas In lethal injection (potassium chloride)
Calcium Atomic Number – 20 Ca Alkaline Earth MetalImageImage “The Scaffolder” – make up a large portion of the parts that hold humans together (teeth, bones,..) Lime, cement, chalk, limestone
Titanium Atomic Number – 22 Ti Metal Low density, good strength, excellent corrosion resistance Present in meteorites and in the sun Lunar rocks contain titanium oxide (TiO2) Used in fireworks
Iron Atomic number – 26 Fe Metal The cheapest and most abundant, useful and important of all metals Abundant in humans found in red blood cells Carbon steel is an alloy with iron
Nickel Atomic number – 28 Ni Metal Silvery white metal that takes on a high polish Hard, malleable, ductile, and a fair conductor of heat and electricity Used in coinage, in armour plate and burglar-proof vaults Used in hydorgenating vegetable oils batteries
Copper Atomic number – 29 Cu Metal Reddish with a bright metallic luster Malleable, ductile, and a good conductor of heat and electricity (second only to silver) Used in wire, coinage, electrical industry Copper sulfate is used in water purifier
Arsenic Atomic number – 33 As Metalloid Steel grey and very brittle Tarnishes in air Upon heating it sublimes (turns form the solid to a gas without passing through liquid state) Bronzing Pyrotechnics Used in laser materials