U.S. Housing Outlook Presented By: Stanley F. Duobinis, Ph.D. President Crystal Ball Economics, Inc.
Real GDP Percent Change
U.S. Unemployment Rate Percent
Total Payroll Employment Percent Change
Payroll Employment Percent Change Total Manufacturing
U.S. Manufacturing Employment Millions 3.0 Million jobs lost 2.6 Million jobs lost
U.S. Industrial Output Index: 1996 = 100 Employment (L) Output (R) Millions of Jobs
Manufacturing Output vs. Employment Percent Change – Annual Rate
Manufacturing’s Share of Employment
Total Employment Growth November 2003 to November 2004
Total Employment Growth Pct Chg. Year Ago
Consumer Confidence Index 1985 = 100 Stock Market Tumbles September 11th The War in Iraq
Consumer Confidence Index 1985 = 100 Current Situation Expectations
GDP Inflation Percent Change
Federal Funds Rate Target Percent
Mortgage Rates Percent Fixed Adjustable
Single-family Housing Starts Thousands
Homeownership Rate Percent
Total Employment vs. Total Housing Starts ThousandsPct Chg. Year Ago Employment - R Housing Starts - L
Total Employment Growth November 2003 to November 2004
Single-family Starts Pct Chg U.S. = 6.4
Single-family Starts Pct Chg U.S. =-2.8
Rental Vacancy Rates Percent Buildings with 5 or More Units
Multifamily Housing Starts Thousands
Condo Share Of Multifamily Starts Percent 40.7
Multifamily Housing Starts Pct Chg U.S. =-0.5
Multifamily Housing Starts Pct Chg U.S. =-5.7
Total Housing Starts Thousands
Starts Per Capita 2005 U.S. = 6.6
Manufactured Home Shipments Thousands
Existing Home Sales Thousands
Residential Remodeling Billions of 2000 Dollars
Median New Home Size Square Feet Multifamily Single-family
Residential Fixed Investment Billions of 2000 Dollars
Nonresidential Construction Billions of 2000 Dollars
Nonresidential Construction Billions of 2000 Dollars Lodging Manufacturing Office Other Commercial Other