A Walk In New York Salvatore Rubbino Experience the wonders of new york city first hand
Transportation NYC is an island. There are multiple forms of mass transit that New Yorkers use daily
Home of Grand Central Terminal About 125,000 people travel to and from Grand Central Terminal daily Has 44 more platforms and 67 more tracks than any other railway station in the world Ceiling shows 2,500 stars and the constellations of the zodiac
Demographics NYC has a population of over 8million people and over 170 different languages are spoken throughout NYC
Skyscrapers NYC is home to one of the largest skyscrapers…. 172 floors = 1,860 steps
Empire State Building Observation deck is on the 86 th floor On a clear day visibility is up to 80 miles from observation deck.
Empire state building facts Built in record time, 410 days Lighting strikes Empire State Building over 100 times a year, but the lightening rod at the top keeps building safe. From the ground to the tip of the lightening rod, the building stands 1,454 feet high
Things to do Parks Broadway Café’s Piers Statue of Liberty
NYC Library Over 1 million books 10,000 new books daily
Various Boroughs Brooklyn Bronx Queens Manhattan Staten Island You may need a few days to see everything
Staten Island To be the largest Ferris Wheel with heights that exceed 600 feet