CS-1 Safety of Foradil ® Gregory P. Geba, MD, MPH Vice President – US Head RDI Clinical Development and Medical Affairs Novartis Gregory P. Geba, MD, MPH Vice President – US Head RDI Clinical Development and Medical Affairs Novartis 4
CS-2 Key Points of Presentation We will describe: –Pharmacologic differences that exist between formoterol and salmeterol –Phase IV trial 2307 examining asthma-related serious AEs in adolescents and adults –Integrated clinical trial database –Postmarketing adverse event data The totality of the evidence does not elevate concern for a safety signal for Foradil and continues to support the favorable benefit/risk profile of Foradil We will describe: –Pharmacologic differences that exist between formoterol and salmeterol –Phase IV trial 2307 examining asthma-related serious AEs in adolescents and adults –Integrated clinical trial database –Postmarketing adverse event data The totality of the evidence does not elevate concern for a safety signal for Foradil and continues to support the favorable benefit/risk profile of Foradil
CS-3 Chemical Structures HN OH N H O OH O O N H HO OH Formoterol Salmeterol
CS-4 Pharmacologic Differences: β 2 Receptor Binding for Formoterol Differs From Salmeterol Both molecules bind to the β 2 adrenergic receptor active site, however –Prolonged salmeterol activity depends on binding with an exosite –Prolonged activity of formoterol is independent of exosite binding Mutation in the exosite region (Ile 164) could affect duration of action of salmeterol Both molecules bind to the β 2 adrenergic receptor active site, however –Prolonged salmeterol activity depends on binding with an exosite –Prolonged activity of formoterol is independent of exosite binding Mutation in the exosite region (Ile 164) could affect duration of action of salmeterol Green SA, et al. J Biol Chem. 1996;271:
CS-5 Pharmacologic Differences: Advantages of Full vs Partial Agonism Formoterol is a full agonist at the β 2 adrenergic receptor; salmeterol is a partial agonist In isolated human bronchi, pre-incubation with formoterol or salmeterol results in: –Decreased relaxant effect of isoprenaline by salmeterol –Maintained relaxant effect of isoprenaline by formoterol Potential implications –Partial agonist may act as an antagonist to rescue medication Formoterol is a full agonist at the β 2 adrenergic receptor; salmeterol is a partial agonist In isolated human bronchi, pre-incubation with formoterol or salmeterol results in: –Decreased relaxant effect of isoprenaline by salmeterol –Maintained relaxant effect of isoprenaline by formoterol Potential implications –Partial agonist may act as an antagonist to rescue medication Molimar M, et al. Eur Respir J. 1998;11:
CS-6 Phase IV Trial 2307 Examining Asthma-Related Serious AEs
CS-7 US Pivotal Studies Possible Safety Signal for Asthma-Related Serious AEs With High Dose Foradil? FDA BD 14 Patients, n/N (%) Foradil 12 µg bid Foradil 24 µg bidAlbuterolPlacebo Study 040 † (N = 541) 0/136 (0)4/135 (3.0)2/134 (1.5)0/136 (0) Study 041 † (N = 554) 1/139 (0.7)5/136 (3.7)0/138 (0)2/141 (1.4) Study 049 ‡ (N = 518) 8/171 (4.7)11/171 (6.4)NA0/176 (0) † Adults and adolescents ≥ 12 yr. ‡ Children yr.
CS-8 Pivotal Studies and Phase IV 2307: Similar Characteristics of Patient Populations Study Characteristic , 041 Trial duration, wk1612 Age, yr Baseline FEV 1, % predicted6864 Black, %127 Concomitant ICS use, % Targeted reversibility, % Actual reversibility, % ≥ ≥ 15 35
CS-9 Protocol 2307 Was Specifically Designed to Examine Asthma-Related Serious AEs Adolescents and adults were followed for up to 16 wk whether or not they discontinued early 2307 CSR P20, F DVWk– Study treatmentRun-in Study drug Formoterol 12 µg bid orFormoterol 12 µg bid or Formoterol 24 µg bid orFormoterol 24 µg bid or Placebo bid orPlacebo bid or Open-label formoterol 12 µg bid + ≤ 2 rescue doses of formoterol 12 µgOpen-label formoterol 12 µg bid + ≤ 2 rescue doses of formoterol 12 µg
CS-10 Primary Outcome Data for Study 2307 Patients, n (%) Formoterol 12 µg bid n = 527 Formoterol 12 µg bid + 12 µg bid prn n = 517 Formoterol 24 µg bid n = 527 Placebo n = 514 Serious asthma- related AEs 5 (0.9)1 (0.2)2 (0.4)1 (0.2) After FDA review † 3 (0.6)1 (0.2)2 (0.4)1 (0.2) FDA BD 14 † 2 non-asthma-related cases removed by the FDA.
CS-11 Primary Outcome Data With 95% CI in Study 2307 95% CI for primary endpoint (percent of patients experiencing an asthma-related serious AE) 7 padac stats slides – jt.ppt Foradil 12 µg Foradil 24 µg Foradil 12 µg + 12 µg prn All Foradil Placebo Estimate (95% CI)
CS-12 Conclusions: Very Low Event Rates in Study 2307 Observed event rate was 10% of expected Absolute differences between groups were very small Higher serious AE rate in higher dose Foradil arm, previously observed in adolescents and adults in 040 and 041, was not observed in 2307 Observed event rate was 10% of expected Absolute differences between groups were very small Higher serious AE rate in higher dose Foradil arm, previously observed in adolescents and adults in 040 and 041, was not observed in 2307
CS-13 Pooled Foradil Clinical Trial Database Supports Foradil Safety
CS-14 Safety Analysis of Integrated Foradil Clinical Trial Database Death, all cause or asthma related –All controlled trials and uncontrolled trials in Aerolizer ® and Certihaler ® database irrespective of duration Asthma-related AEs –All controlled trials ≥ 4 wk duration through 2004 were analyzed Death, all cause or asthma related –All controlled trials and uncontrolled trials in Aerolizer ® and Certihaler ® database irrespective of duration Asthma-related AEs –All controlled trials ≥ 4 wk duration through 2004 were analyzed Foradil ® patients, n Median exposure, days/patient Controlled Uncontrolled Trials ≥ 4 wk duration Controlled Placebo-controlled
CS-15 Randomized Controlled Trials: 1 Asthma-Related Death in 1600 Patient-Yr Total exposure, patient-yr Placebo n = 2446 Albuterol n = 1238 Formoterol all doses n = 5907 Asthma-related deaths 1 (0.04) (0.08) (0.02) 0.06 n (%) n/100 yr All-cause deaths 001 (0.02) 0.06 n (%) n/100 yr Asthma- related deaths Foradil BB 09_jun_05 final draft T 3-3 4
CS-16 Uncontrolled Trials: 5 Asthma-Related Deaths in 1240 patient-years 1240Total exposure, patient-yr Formoterol all doses n = 2783 Asthma-related deaths 5 (0.18) 0.40 n (%) n/100 yr Asthma-related deaths 14 (0.50) 1.13 n (%) n/100 yr All-cause deaths Foradil BB 09_jun_05 final draft T 3-3 4
CS-17 Significant Asthma Exacerbations † Asthma-related AEs ‡ which were meaningful enough to prompt patient discontinuation whether a serious AE or not Asthma-related AEs ‡ reported as serious with or without discontinuation (serious AEs) Asthma-related AEs ‡ which were meaningful enough to prompt patient discontinuation whether a serious AE or not Asthma-related AEs ‡ reported as serious with or without discontinuation (serious AEs) 4 † Pooled endpoint defined on p 31 Section IV FDA Briefing Book. ‡ Predefined terms included asthma, dyspnea, bronchospasm, chest discomfort, cough, wheezing, dyspnea exacerbated, status asthmaticus, respiratory distress, acute respiratory failure, hypoxia. All AEs were reported regardless of causality.
CS-18 More Asthma-Related Discontinuations in Placebo Group Multiple-Dose, Placebo-Controlled Trials ≥ 4 Wk Formoterol All doses 20/24 µg tdd 48 µg tddPlaceboAlbuterol All patientsN % n/100 yr Foradil BB 09_jun_05 final draft T ICS = Inhaled corticosteroids; tdd= Total daily dose.
CS-19 More Asthma-Related Serious AEs in Formoterol Groups Multiple-Dose, Placebo-Controlled Trials ≥ 4 Wk Formoterol All doses 20/24 µg tdd 48 µg tddPlaceboAlbuterol All patientsN % n/100 yr ICS = Inhaled corticosteroids; tdd = Total daily dose. Foradil BB 09_jun_05 final draft T 3-5 4
CS-20 Foradil: Lower or Similar Rates of Significant Asthma Exacerbations Compared With Placebo Multiple-Dose, Placebo-Controlled Trials ≥ 4 Wk Formoterol All doses 20/24 µg tdd 48 µg tddPlaceboAlbuterol All patientsN % n/100 yr Foradil BB 09_jun_05 final draft T 3-4 Significant asthma exacerbations defined as asthma-related serious AEs or premature discontinuations because of an asthma-related AE. tdd = Total daily dose. 4
CS-21 Significant Asthma Exacerbations Conclusion Significant asthma exacerbations with Foradil ® were lower than or similar to placebo 4
CS-22 Review of Postmarketing Mortality Data 4
CS-23 Postmarketing Analysis Characteristics and Limitations Spontaneous reporting of adverse-drug reactions (ADR) remains the most common method available for monitoring safety of marketed drugs Useful for monitoring for safety signals Main limitations –Substantial percentage of ADRs not reported † –Other potential biases ‡ Targeting drug to lower- or higher-risk patients may alter ADR occurrence Notoriety bias § Time on the market, drug familiarity, and other influences ¶ –ADR of interest is the disease itself Spontaneous reporting of adverse-drug reactions (ADR) remains the most common method available for monitoring safety of marketed drugs Useful for monitoring for safety signals Main limitations –Substantial percentage of ADRs not reported † –Other potential biases ‡ Targeting drug to lower- or higher-risk patients may alter ADR occurrence Notoriety bias § Time on the market, drug familiarity, and other influences ¶ –ADR of interest is the disease itself Foradil BB 09_jun_05 final draft P 42 † Heeley E, et al. Lancet. 2001;358: ‡ Strom BL, JAMA 2004;192: § de Graaf L, et al. Pharm World Sci. 2003;25: ¶ Hartnell NR, Wilson JP Pharmacotherapy 2004;24:
CS-24 Analysis of FDA Adverse Events Reporting System (AERS) FDA AERS database was searched for all reports of death and/or outcome of death for formoterol or salmeterol Reporting rates for AEs and deaths decrease with time postcommercialization † Reporting rate –Reports through 2004 with case definition on drug X ÷ exposure on drug X per 100,000 person-yr FDA AERS database was searched for all reports of death and/or outcome of death for formoterol or salmeterol Reporting rates for AEs and deaths decrease with time postcommercialization † Reporting rate –Reports through 2004 with case definition on drug X ÷ exposure on drug X per 100,000 person-yr Foradil BB 09_jun_05 final draft P 36 4 † Strom BL. JAMA 2004;192:
CS-25 FDA AERS AE and Death Reports for Formoterol Were Low Drug AE reports of death †, n Total AE reports, n Reporting proportion (per 100 AE) AE reports of death ‡, n Person yr of exposure § Reporting rate per 100,000 person yr ‡ Formoterol ,119, Salmeterol118216, ,000, Foradil BB 09_jun_05 final draft T † FDA AERS database up to Dec. 31, ‡ Data on exposure and reports of death: 1994 – § Based on kg sold.
CS-26 Overall Conclusions (1) Well-described pharmacologic differences exist between formoterol and salmeterol In pivotal trials conducted for US registration, a potential safety signal emerged in the Foradil high-dose group, leading to the approval of the 12 µg dose only and to postmarketing asthma safety study 2307 Study 2307 examined asthma-related serious AEs in adolescents and adults and did not provide evidence of a safety signal for Foradil at any dose Well-described pharmacologic differences exist between formoterol and salmeterol In pivotal trials conducted for US registration, a potential safety signal emerged in the Foradil high-dose group, leading to the approval of the 12 µg dose only and to postmarketing asthma safety study 2307 Study 2307 examined asthma-related serious AEs in adolescents and adults and did not provide evidence of a safety signal for Foradil at any dose
CS-27 Overall Conclusions (2) An analysis of the pooled Foradil clinical trial database, and a review of postmarketing adverse event data, does not provide evidence of a safety signal for Foradil The totality of the evidence does not elevate concern for a safety signal and continues to support the favorable benefit/risk profile of Foradil in the treatment of asthma An analysis of the pooled Foradil clinical trial database, and a review of postmarketing adverse event data, does not provide evidence of a safety signal for Foradil The totality of the evidence does not elevate concern for a safety signal and continues to support the favorable benefit/risk profile of Foradil in the treatment of asthma