1 Excellence in Product Development. 10 th July BIFM Application.
Introductions Carillion welcome the BIFM Panel. Euan Burns – Chief Engineer. David Barrett – Asset Management Director. Paul Lee – Head of Asset Integrity. Kevin Scott – Engineering Manager. Mark Spilling – Assets55
3 Agenda. Housekeeping. Introduction. The Product – The Carillion Framework. Framework Ability. – Standards. – Appraisal. – Collection. – Reporting. Handheld Data Capture tool demonstration. Asset Integrity Triangle. Case Studies. Future investment and development. Summary.
4 Introduction. “Innovative Engineering Approaches to Asset Management” Carillion’s Engineering Centre of Excellence team recognised that within the services industry Asset Integrity is poor and verification of assets by services providers is often accepted as a quick tagging and identification process. Carillion appreciate that Asset knowledge is the fundamental building block on which the engineering offering is built, and we set out to address this issue. The team embarked on a “Carillion Asset Integrity Framework” to initiate and develop our standards and identifying the requirements we believe are necessary to provide effective operation of our clients portfolios and offer advice on their estate.
5 The Product – The Carillion Framework It became clear that we required an operational tool to determine a number of key asset functions utilising the consistent asset data as the datum point. The principles within this framework are: Standards. Appraisal. Collection. Reporting. The Asset Integrity Framework was created allowing us to organise, review, analyse and comprehensively report on engineering assets.
6 Framework Ability Allows smoother transformation from mobilisation to transition of new contracts. One system approach. Removes large levels of manual intervention. Ability to identify high risk profiles in varying categories. Variety of flexible reporting outputs. Easy development to business or critical focused maintenance. Through asset change process enables the whole life time cycle of an asset to be profiled dependent on risk criteria. The ability to prioritise and forecast real time asset investment programs. Asset Integrity Framework Criticality & Business FM Risk Management Compliance Condition and Life cycle Performance & energy
7 Integrity Standards This principle ensures we organise to our Standards & Process’ defining the requirements of data collection for M&E & Fabric Assets, Planning, terms of reference, process maps & change control. These Standards are the foundation stones of our Framework, providing the baseline from which all our activities are born. Integrity Principles
8 Integrity Appraisal This Principle allows us to review all activity supporting the decision making process for a requirement of either validation or full Asset data collection, by encompassing a variety of audits to assess the status of onsite documentation. All of the Framework Appraisal processes have a dependency back to our Standards, and provide the end user with a measurable level of gap analysis. Integrity Principles
9 Integrity Collection This principle supports the activity of surveying and collecting asset data on site. Allowing us to analyse and advise on current state. This could be to any one of the different maturity levels as described within the Asset Integrity triangle. Integrity Principles Survey WIFI Transfer Data collation Detailed Report
10 Integrity Reporting We offer a flexible reporting structure which allows us to categorise to specific business needs. Such as highest risk, expenditure, life cycle, criticality, statutory or mandatory compliance, condition or a collection all of all these elements. Integrity Principles
11 Data Collection Demonstration
12 Asset Integrity Triangle Asset Risk Optimisation Integrated Asset Risk & Energy Optimisation Asset Integrity Triangle Internal ECoE Governance Each level reflects the deliverable elements, from a basic validation, progressing through the four further maturity levels. In order for Carillion to establish a consistent standard of Asset data across our and clients’ business, a best practice service offering has been developed with five maturity levels. This is referred to as the Asset Integrity triangle. This has now been incorporated exclusively into our Carillion service offering. Either as the complete framework or as an individual stair step progression option for existing contract base.
13 Case Study Recent asset survey project carried out at Shell UK. The project consisted of a full site survey of Shell Tower, Identified Assets classified as new. This consists of assets not within the operating system, incorrectly grouped, and identified at system level only and not as an individual engineering asset. Allows correct maintenance regimes and labour loading to be scheduled. Clear identification of life cycle of all building assets. Maintaining our client expectations. 236 assets identified for inclusion onto a forecast maintenance register by risk rating. Allows the ability to profile capital replacement or repair by risk dependencies. Ability for smoother transition to Business or Critical focused maintenance.
14 Case Study 209 new assets found across two locations. Clearly identified main risks – For example 2 off calorifiers were over 39 years of age. Over 85% of the collected assets scored at low risk rating. Mainly due to reasonable conditions. Clients unaware of additional assets. Raised awareness and meeting expectations. Life Cycle estimations indicates a majority of asset replacements to be carried out in year 10. The ability to reduce business or critical risk with manipulation of a replacement profile.
15 Future Implementation and Development Mobile App Development CAFM Integration Harmonisation Development of the Carillion App Suite. Data mapping on various asset elements. Mobile asset change application. Standardising asset naming conventions and sub categories. Live Reporting from the CAFM system. Automatic data upload in the CAFM system. Global library of known Asset failures for client, bid or industry benchmarking. Creation and deployment of the Asset Integrity Framework. Introduction of Asset Principles to the wider Carillion audience. Phase one development of Asset Collection Tool. Integration into Carillion service offering.
Summary. 16 An honest approach with our Clients Assets. Account and Technical leads can make informative decisions on asset replacement year on year to our clients. Replacement of small day to day assets can be accumulated over the life of the contract by BAU teams. Consistent approach across all our contracts / mobilisation understanding of Carillion's and our clients commercial investment risks and commitments. Clearly demonstrates ours and our clients needs and progression. Identified assets with high commercial risk. Allows smooth transition to business, critical or commercial focused maintenance. Capture of real time asset change data to allow analysis on operational performance such as MTBF.