Butler Bot Sai Srivatsava Vemu Graduate Student Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Objectives Mission Hardware Software Behaviors Timeline 2 Butler Bot: Sai Srivatsava Vemu
Mission Design and Develop a Butler Robot to help the elderly Robot capable of receiving Voice commands Able to carry small loads and carrying objects around for people
Butler Bot: Sai Srivatsava Vemu 2 brushed DC motors Laptop ( Intel i7 2.3 GHz 8GB Ram) Arduino Due Kinect for Windows Sensor v1 Ultrasonic Range Finder Infrared Range Finder LIPO battery Hardware
Butler Bot: Sai Srivatsava Vemu Software Kinect for Windows SDK Arduino IDE Microsoft Visual Studio
Butler Bot: Sai Srivatsava Vemu Start the search mode if activated by voice. Detect Human beings in a room. Analyze the Gesture made by the user. Follow the user if gestured to. Carry around stuff while avoiding obstacles. Stop the search and follow mode if commanded to. Behaviors
Butler Bot: Sai Srivatsava Vemu September: Design and assemble the platform, incorporate the sensors on the platform. October: Mechanically and electrically completed robot interfaced with sensors. Human recognition and tracking and Voice command recognition. November: Begin testing entire platform with laptop aboard December: Fully functional robot. Timeline
Butler Bot: Sai Srivatsava Vemu Questions