OFFICE MANAGER’S MEETING February 12, 2013 Purchasing Staff
Lakeshore / School Specialty Web Site Ordering Web-based ordering similar to the current Office Depot ordering method. Project PO Training will be offered soon.
XEROX For Service Call ASHLEY HERD or The current contract has 12 months to run IF at all possible, route copy projects to the Copy Center. Purchasing will be conducting a survey in the next few weeks. We need your input to plan for the next secondary copier contract.
Coca Cola New information is posted to the Purchasing Intranet page (go to “Existing Bids in Use”, then choose “Softdrink Vending Services”) We have a new rep – Lesli Nelson – –
Office Depot Catalog We have taken the restriction off break room supplies, including Keurig K-cups. These items can only be ordered using campus activity funds funds should not be used.
Purchasing Stuff Our “Existing Bids now in Use” page on the Intranet, changes pretty much after every Board Meeting. Sometimes your favorite vendor is no longer listed because – possibly your favorite vendor didn’t submit a bid; or – possibly your favorite vendor forgot to fill in important sections of bids
Purchasing Stuff If you don’t have time to do it right the first time, you for sure will need to find extra time to correct mistakes. “The way we have always done things” ended last July. Your requisition must become a PO before you can order your supplies because you’ll need a valid PO# to place the order.
Ricoh Supplies Ordering Web-based ordering Saves shipping “How to” will be loaded on the Wiki