KS1 PARENTS’ MEETING Thursday 10 th September 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

KS1 PARENTS’ MEETING Thursday 10 th September 2015

Agenda How we are organised The learning journey How we achieve this Homework How you can help Keep in touch Reminders Questions

How we are organised – by class Year I Mrs Rzysko Mrs Hopkins Mrs Stzump Year 1/2 Miss Wang Mrs Stobie Mrs Handyside Lang Year 2 Mrs Arnold Mrs E Jones Mrs Stzump Miss Vejsholt

How we are organised in the morning Monday- Wednesday Year 1 Mrs Rzysko Year 1 Miss Wang Year 2 Mrs Arnold Year 2 Mrs Allen

The Learning Journey BEFORE YEAR 1  The children learn through play.  Short whole class sessions.  One to one or very small group work.  Profile points to assess.

YEAR 1 Encouraging independence and formal working. Sitting at own desk. Working more independently. Following a set of instructions.

YEAR 2 Organisation Homework Independence/using initiative Good role models

End of Year Expectations No levels BUT Emerging Developing Expecting Mastering Emphasis on ‘In depth learning’ not on pace

END OF KS1 EXPECTATIONS Independent curious learners able to take on a challenge and be prepared to learn from their mistakes. Embracing the core Christian values of: Care, Respect and Courage that they will carry with them through life.

WRITING in Year 1  Use phrases and simple statements to convey ideas.  To be able to use some appropriate choices of vocabulary.  To write simple and more complex sentences, using connectives ‘and’ ‘then’.  To be able to correctly use capital letters and full stops in their writing.  To be able to use a range high frequency words.  In handwriting, all letters are clearly shaped and correctly orientated.

WRITING in Year 2 To be able to write for a variety of audiences and purposes. To be able to write more complex sentences using a variety of connectives, such as and, but so etc. To be able to use accurate punctuation including commas, exclamation marks and question marks. To make use of their developing vocabulary and often choose to use subject specific topic words, or more interesting words choices they have acquired from reading. Handwriting should be legible and of a consistent size.

READING in Year 1  To use their knowledge of phonics to make plausible attempts at unknown words.  To be able to use other strategies.  To be able to comment on ideas and events in a story and ask and answer questions.  To be able to re-tell the story in their own words and to ask and answer questions based on the text.

READING in Year 2 To be able to read most of an unfamiliar text independently with understanding. To be able to read for meaning. To be able to make predictions. To be able to comment on events, plot, setting, characters and the presentation of information. To engage in discussions regarding any text – giving their own opinions. To read a wide variety of texts. Encourage visits to the library.

MATHS in Year 2 Children can discuss and explain every day maths activities using mathematical vocabulary. To be able to count on and back in steps of 2, 5 and 10 to and from 100. To use mental and written calculation strategies to solve number problems involving money and measures. To be able to halve and double numbers. To know their times tables. To understand the relationship between addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. Practical problem solving, involving time, money and measures.

How we will achieve this Wide and varied curriculum Topic driven curriculum – some subjects discreetly taught Opportunities for leaning through school visits Encourage children to become independent learners

Homework Year 1 Reading – reading record Optional Homework Grid Year 2 Reading – reading record Spelling - Phonics Focus/Friday for following Friday Maths – Friday for following Monday, times tables. (sticking in the sheets would be really helpful) Occasional project assignments. Optional Homework grid

HOW YOU CAN HELP Encourage your children to discuss their learning at school. Read a variety of texts to and with your children – not just school books! Ensure homework is completed to a high standard. To continue to practise areas of difficulty that your child may be experiencing. Make each home learning experience enjoyable! Listening and concentration games.

Keep in touch Web site. Play ground in the morning and after school. Reading record Open door policy; preference for after school since school ‘life’ is so very busy at the beginning of the day. Reading record

Reminders Uniform - labelled PE kit Book bag Water bottles Fruit and vegetables available at break. Not on site before 8.30 am Please! (gate opens then) At the end of the day, if you are late, your children will wait for you in reception.