Romantic Period The philosophy that shaped Art, Music, Literature, and Politics of the 19 th Century
Romanticism Imprecise term to describe the period of late 18 th and 1 st half of 19 th century Reaction to the rationalism of the Enlightenment of the 18 th century Emphasis on subjective aspect of humans- emotions Movement toward unpredictability of nature rather than mathematics and natural law
Music Beethoven-”3rd Symphony” (dedicated to Napoleon), “Ode to Joy”, “5 th Symphony” Berlioz- (founder of modern orchestra conducting) “Symphony Fantastique” Glinka- opera “Russlan and Ludmilla” Weber- opera “ Der Freischutz” Chopin – Polish pianist – “Piano Concerto Scherzo in B minor”
“ Sturm and Drang ”- German for “Storm and Stress” (nature and emotion)
German Literature Goethe- ( used “Sturm and Drang”) Faust ( long poetic drama to reaffirm Christian values) and Sorrows of Young Werther- morbidly sensitive heroic story Schiller-The Robbers- a drama about social protest
English Literature Byron- Don Juan ( fought for Greek independence- died there) Shelley- Ozymandias Wordsworth-Daffodils Keats-Edemion Coleridge- Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner Scott- Ivanhoe
Russian Literature Pushkin Considered to be the greatest Russian poet of all time Wrote in the vernacular Boris Godunov
French Literature Chateaubriand- Genius of Christianity De Stael- (daughter of Necker) De Allemagne Victor Hugo- Les Miserables and Hunchback of Notre Dame
Art Goya-Spain Court painter for monarchy Portrait of Charles III Constable- English landscapes Delacroix- France Illegitimate son of Tallyrand David-member of committee of public safety- Death of Marat Turner- precursor to impressionists
The Shipwreck -Turner
The Fighting Temeraire-Turner
The Hay Wain- Constable
David- Death of Marat
Delacroix-Death of Sardanpalus
Ingres- Napoleon I on the Imperial Throne
Gericault-Decapitated Heads
Philosophers Herder- Explained cultural evolution of humans as part of the evolution of nature than manifestation of rational free will Hegel- Dialectic process (synthesis- antithesis) process of change in which a concept passes over into and is preserved and fulfilled by its opposite defines history as various systems represent successive phases of development ( will influence Marx and dialectic materialism)