Student Conference British Values – Our Students’ Perspective Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership 1
Tim Warren Director of Schools and Colleges Liverpool Archdiocese Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Student Conference British Values – Our Students’ Perspective Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership 3
David Cameron British values to be taught in schools David Cameron outlines British Values KEUM KEUM Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Why British Values? Prevent Strategy in June Theresa May MP, pledged ‘an unyielding fight against extremism.’ In the education section of this report it was noted that, ‘There have been allegations that a minority of independent faith schools have been actively promoting views that are contrary to British values, such as intolerance of other cultures and gender inequality.’ Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Operation Trojan Horse Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Ofsted and School Inspections Working with DfE, Ofsted will ensure that inspectors have the necessary knowledge and expertise to determine whether extremist and intolerant beliefs are being promoted in a school and then to take appropriate action. Consideration is being given to strengthening Independent School Standards. Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Impact on Faith Schools? As the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd and Rt Hon. Justin Welby, has commented, the ‘commentary around “Trojan Horse” has made it sound as if schools with a religious character are a problem. That’s simply not true and that fact seems to need a lot of repeating: no church schools or faith-based schools were caught up in “Trojan Horse” Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
The role of Ofsted On 31st July 2014 Ofsted published a revised inspection handbook. This came into effect on 1st September 2014 and included an alteration which meant that inspectors would ‘pay even greater attention to a school’s curriculum to ensure that it is appropriately broad and balanced to help prepare young people for life in modern Britain.’ Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Inspectors will judge …. the extent to which schools encourage the social development of their pupils and their ‘acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’. They will inspect the extent to which ‘pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.’ Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Student Involvement Incredibly important – value your opinions Representing your school Archdiocese – 38 schools and sixth form colleges and 50,000 students Students have supported the planning, the process The key outcomes from today will be shared with all schools in our Partnership Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Objectives for Day 1 and 2 For you to recognise your own personal values. To understand what British values are. To understand how Catholic values and British Values fit together To recognise how British values fit within the life of a Catholic school. Suggest how British Values should permeate the life of our schools To consider the values that will guide us through our future life Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Easier said than Done! What is British? What are our Values? Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
What is British? British Catholics British Christians British Muslims British Jews British Hindus British atheists Your beliefs inform your value system! Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Drill right down to Values Democracy is not a Value. It’s a political system. Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
What underpins Democracy? Liberté, égalité, fraternité? Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
We are starting with you What are your personal values? What values do you learn at home? What values do you learn in school? What’s different about the values that you learn in a Catholic School? How would you describe your school ethos? How British are these values? Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
British Values and Our Catholic Ethos We are proud that Catholic schools promote values that are both Catholic and British, including: respect for the individual, democracy, individual liberty, respect, tolerance and inclusiveness. Our schools promote cohesion by serving more ethnically diverse and poorer communities. Catholic schools provide high standards of education which are popular with parents from all social, economic and faith backgrounds. Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Catholic and British Values We teach the importance of British Values by going much deeper into the meaning of what it means to live a good life, within a framework of Catholic Christian Values. This provides the context and meaning for understanding why British values are important. Our understanding of British values draws on the example of Jesus and his welcome and inclusion of all, which is developed through our Catholic Social Teaching. Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Our Catholic Ethos We place a significant emphasis on the celebration of individuality and difference within our communities and our calling to work for the Common Good, in the service of others. Our Catholic ethos, which includes explicit reference to Christian and British values, makes a tangible difference to the way we work together and with our wider communities. Within this framework it would be impossible to overlook the governments view of British values expressed as ‘democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.’ Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Catholic Values Our schools’ aims are that our students are fully prepared for life in British society, to take their role as good citizens, able to make the best possible contribution to the Common Good. Within a framework of Catholic Christian Values, we teach the importance of British Values by going much deeper into the meaning of what it is to live a good life. This provides the context and meaning for understanding why British values are important. Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Your input today Will have an impact on your and other schools in the Archdiocese The work produced will be used by teachers to help other students understand what is meant by British Values We will recognise your value today and a certificate will be given to your teacher to award to you back at school Schools will be ‘Ofsted ready’ as a result of this conference Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Jim Lancaster Headteacher of Christ The King High School, Southport Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Dave Hemsley Head of Science Christ The King High School, Southport Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
1137 of our Students Completed the British Values Survey
Do you think of yourself as British?
People who said the are not British- why?
Should you learn about British Values?
You have to be born in Britain to be British No major agreement We need to explore and understand what makes opinion so divided.
You have to Speak English to be British Most people value other people who do not speak English as a part of Britain’s diverse society. Needs to be explored.
To be British you must know about British History This is in the Life in the UK test to gain British Citizenship.
You need to be a Christian to be British Other religions are a valued part of British Society
Being British means we are tolerant of all beliefs and faiths and do not discriminate based on gender, race or disability. We agree with this which is 3/5 of the British Values we are looking at today. Individual Liberty Mutual Respect Tolerance of other faiths
British people respect and follow the laws of Britain We agree about another aspect of British Values we are exploring, the Rule of Law.
Looking at Democracy- the remaining British Value Should we know what we are voting for? Needs exploring.
Most Important part of being British
Most important influence on your values and beliefs.
British People are most proud of……
Our Schools’ Mission Statements
Matrix Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Matrix Results of the matrix Find somebody new ………………… Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
DEMOCRACY 5. An understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making and have a say in how a country is run Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
RULE OF LAW 4. An appreciation that this protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY 1. An understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in Law Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
MUTUAL RESPECT 3. Having value for one’s culture and appreciating and having regard for other cultures and ways of life. Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
TOLERANCE OF OTHER FAITHS 2. An acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Task Choice of three tasks to complete. What makes your chosen task good quality? Approximately one hour 30 minutes on your given task. Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
Vikki Borlase Administration Manager Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
MUTUAL RESPECT 3. Having value for one’s culture and appreciating and having regard for other cultures and ways of life. Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership
TOLERANCE OF OTHER FAITHS 2. An acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour Liverpool Archdiocese Secondary Schools’ Partnership