L ABOUR & L IBERAL P ARTIES The Labour party’s belief is that self-interest and the common good can work together. The interests of the many people are helped not just the rich people. They try to help people get out of poverty and try to help everyone (says their website). The Labour party want to make a better economy and help raise money for schools, buildings and work places. They say that every day they are trying to make a better place. Julia Gillard The Liberal Party believes in all people’s rights even if they are a different religion, race or gender. The liberal party also recognizes that all people are different and that everyone has an equal right to decide their own steps in life without someone else changing it. They say they are making a better economy. Tony Abbot LabourLiberal
A USTRALIAN NATIONAL PARTY & G REENS P ARTY The Greens want to save the environment.They want to do this by putting a tax on carbon emissions and making us use bicycles. Bob Brown fasted for a week on top of Mt Wellington in 1976 to protest against the arrival of the nuclear powered warship USS Enterprise at Hobart. Christine Milne Australian National Party Greens Party The Australian National Party believe in strong representation of the local communities and the delivery of good outcomes on the stuff that affect their lives, security for the communities and their families, safety, social and economic welfare standards, being able to have a choice. They really focus on the country people, not so much the cities.
K ATTER ’ S A USTRALIAN P ARTY & D EMOCRATIC L ABOUR P ARTY The Katter's Australian Party believe in equality of opportunity, equality in law, acceptance of personal responsibility, support for those that have a need, and responsibility to contribute to the country. They have Christian values and believe that Australia should be self-sufficient in the production of food. They believe that we should stop selling Australian assets to other countries. Bob Katter Katter’s Australian PartyDemocratic Labour Party The Democratic Labour party believe in protection of the nation, assistance to those in need, especially the mentally ill, the old and large families. Equal pay for equal work. Responsible environmental protection, support traditional family values The Democratic Labour party went from 8 to 4 Senators in the 2004 election and then lost the rest at the 2007 election. John Madigan