Common Core State Standards Initiative Common Core State Standards Initiative State Board of Education January 28, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Common Core State Standards Initiative Common Core State Standards Initiative State Board of Education January 28, 2010

Presentation Overview Reminder of Common Core Standards Initiative and related process –Phase One: College & Career Readiness Standards –Phase Two: K-12 Grade Level Standards Oregon’s feedback process and observations Next steps and considerations

Common Core State Standards Initiative Common Core State Standards Initiative Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and National Governor’s Association (NGA) leading the effort Building on work of Achieve Goals of initiative: –Fewer, clearer and higher-level standards –Aligned with college and work expectations –Internationally benchmarked –Consistent learning expectations across states

Common Core State Standards Initiative Oregon signed Memorandum of Agreement last summer Participation a requirement of Race to the Top application Participating states asked to adopt 100% of the common core standards. States may then add additional standards if desired, but no more than 15% of total number of standards (115% rule)

Common Core State Standards: Initial Content Areas Mathematics English/Language Arts

Common Core State Standards: Two Phases Phase 1: College and career-readiness standards -end of high school expectations –Definitions of “College readiness” and “career readiness” –Designed to anchor K-12 standards

Common Core State Standards: Two Phases Phase 2: K–12 grade level standards- grade by grade articulation of the common core –Designed to serve as guide & tool for aligning instruction, curriculum, assessment & teacher supports, & systems of accountability

Common Core Development and Adoption Process Validation Committee Common Core Development Group ACT College Board Achieve Professors State Adoption State Input Feedback Group CCSSO

Phase 1: College and Career Readiness Standards- Feedback and Outreach Early drafts sent to chief state school officers and state higher education officers for internal state review Drafts posted to CCSSI website for public feedback Outreach to post-secondary partners

Feedback and Outreach Getting the word out Creation of ODE website for CCSSIODE website Instructional Leaders Council presentations Individual contacts with teacher leaders Conference presentations Use of electronic listservs –Teacher newsletters –ODE Pipeline –Curriculum Directors listserv

Common Core State Standards: Two Phases Phase 2: K–12 grade level standards- grade by grade articulation of the common core –Designed to serve as guide & tool for aligning instruction, curriculum, assessment & teacher supports, & systems of accountability

Common Core Development and Adoption Process Validation Committee Common Core Development Group ACT College Board Achieve Professors K-12 teachers State Adoption State Input Feedback Group CCSSO

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards First draft of Mathematics and ELA K-12 standards released November incomplete version (K-8 only) Second draft released January 14 th for additional state agency review (K-8 and HS)

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards CCSSI’s Feedback Questions 1.Is the architecture of the draft standards clear and easy to follow for all audiences (e.g., teachers, administrators, curriculum developers, students, general public)? 2.Does the document present a rigorous, yet reasonable continuum of expectations for student learning in each discipline?

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards CCSSI’s Feedback Questions 3. Is the language in this draft clear, concise, and precise? Will teachers be able to readily identify the standards within the document? 4. One of our stated goals for the common core state standards is that they are fewer, clearer and higher. Do these standards meet those criteria?

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards English/Language Arts Content areas include: –reading & literature –writing & research –speaking & listening –language development Standards for grades K,1,2, and 3 Grade spans for 4-5, 6-8, 9-10, 11-12

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards English/Language Arts Our feedback process ODE team: –Julie Anderson, English Language Arts education specialist –Ken Hermens, English Language Arts assessment specialist –Jean Bond-Esser, ODE temporary staff (retired English teacher)

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards English/Language Arts General observations: -Standards include description of the required text complexity by grade/grade span -Are specific standards written for key text types (e.g., narrative, informative and explanatory, argument)

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards English/Language Arts Concerns: -Unclear hierarchy within document -Standards development approach unclear -Repetition of standards across grade levels -Use of grade spans, not grade levels -Emphasis on four-year college readiness

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards Mathematics Our feedback process ODE team: –Mark Freed, Mathematics education specialist –Jim Leigh, Mathematics assessment specialist Field reviewers - Math TOSA group, content & assessment panel members

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards Mathematics Content areas K-8 include: operations quantity & measurement base ten computation shapes fractions coordinate geometry statistics ratios and proportional relationships number system expressions & equations probability functions & situations they model

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards Mathematics Content areas HS include: Expressions Equations Functions Coordinates Modeling Statistics Probability Geometry

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards Mathematics General observations: -Common standards could strengthen professional development goals/outcomes -Standards are broken down into what students “understand” and what students “can do”

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards Mathematics Concerns: - Standards development approach unclear -Connections to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and National Mathematics Advisory Panel work is not evident - Content broad and lacking in depth - Developmental continuum questionable

Common K-12 Grade Level Standards Additional conversations Instructional Leader’s Council –Quarterly meeting Other Western states –Conference call through Education Northwest

Next Steps and Considerations Development group utilizing feedback to revise Draft 3-will post for public feedback by Feb. 14 th ODE will work with partners to reviews drafts and submit additional feedback Joint release of final K-12 and College & Career Readiness standards expected early March Adoption timeline under further review due to varying state adoption processes –NASBE conference (Feb.1-2) Las Vegas

Next Steps and Considerations National conversations around common assessment system aligned to common core, professional development needs and instructional materials underway Oregon a member of consortia of states to develop common assessment aligned to the common standards