One Digit Multiplication How do you multiply by 1- digit numbers?
One Digit Multiplication Use Place value and regrouping. Estimate Check to see if the product is reasonable.
One Digit Multiplication Each day an airline flies 9 commercial jets from New York to London, England. Each plane holds 293 passengers. If every seat is taken on all flights, how many people fly on this airline from New York to London in 1 day? Use Place Value and Regrouping.
One Digit Multiplication
One Digit Multiplication 293 X 9 = __________ Estimate: _____ X 9 = _____ 293 9 X 3 ones = _____ones X 9 Write the ones and regroup the tens
One Digit Multiplication 293 9 X 9 tens = _____tens X 9 Add the regrouped tens. 7 ____tens + 2 tens = _____tens Write the tens and the regrouped hundreds.
One Digit Multiplication 293 9 X 2 hundreds = ____ hundreds X 9 Add the regrouped hundreds. ______hundreds + 8 hundreds =___ hundreds So, in 1 day, _______ passengers fly from NY to London. How can you tell if your answer is reasonable? What was your estimated answer?
One Digit Multiplication A commercial airline makes several flight each week from New York to Paris, France. If the airline serves 1,978 meals on its flights each day, how many meals are served for the entire week? (Remember: Repeat the process of multiplying and regrouping until every place value is multiplied.)
One Digit Multiplication Estimate: _________ X _____ = _________ 1,978 X
One Digit Multiplication Estimate first, then solve. 796 608 1925 X 8 X 4 X 7
One Digit Multiplication Solve for the unknown number. 396 5,12__ 8,5__6 X 6 X 8 X 7 23__6 _____16 60,03__
One Digit Multiplication What Is the Error????? The Platsville Glee Club is sending 8 of its members to a singing contest in Cincinnati, Ohio. The cost will be $588 per person. How much will it cost for the entire group of 8 students to attend? Both Brian and Jermaine solve the problem. Brian says the answer is $40,074. Jermaine’s answer is $4,604.
One Digit Multiplication Estimate the cost: A reasonable estimate is _______________ Although Jermaine’s answer seems reasonable, neither Brian nor Jermaine solved the problem correctly. Find the errors in Brian’s and Jermaine’s work. Then solve the problem correctly.
One Digit Multiplication Brian Jermaine 588 588 X 8 X 8 40,704 4,604 Now you solve the problem 588 X 8
One Digit Multiplication What error did Brian make? What error did Jermaine make? How could you predict that Jermaine’s answer might be incorrect using your estimate?
One Digit Multiplication Textbook page 151