RhODIS - The Rhino DNA Index System and other forensic tools Richard Emslie IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group and SADC Rhino & Elephant Security Group/Interpol Envir Crime WG on behalf of … Cindy Harper VGL, Onderstepoort, Univ of Pretoria, S.Africa
Database of African rhinoceros DNA profiles –Forensic dataset (poaching cases, seizures) –Routine dataset (stockpiles, live rhinos and hunting trophies) Nuclear DNA – Individual Identification Primarily Law Enforcement & Investigations Trade Routes Horn Stockpiles and Hunting Trophies Inform Metapopulation management Distinguish between legal and illegal horn – could help control a legal horn trade if this were ever approved by CITES. RhODIS: What is it?
Allows the matching of recovered rhino horn or other samples (eg blood from clothes, carpet or axe or tissue sample from poached rhino) to be linked to a specific individual. Individual DNA profile – Random match probability ~1 in 1million) Species and Sex Example … Tool to assist poaching investigations
RhODIS Training RhODIS program includes sample collection and training to ensure chain of evidence is maintained and evidence is admissable in court Training of EMI, Police investigators, field rangers, veterinarians, prosecutors on use of rhino DNA evidence and to collect DNA samples (South Africa, Swaziland and Kenya) Certification courses so far presented to 199 participants
Forensic kits developed for sample collection Kits produced at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory and >5000 distributed Ensures chain of custody from sample collection to evidentiary report and standard method of sample and data collection RhODIS: Chain of Custody
3 Types of kit Kit A – Forensic Kit B – Routine Kit C - Stockpile
Project Aims Get DNA profiles on database of as many of Africa’s live rhinos as possible, plus stockpiles and trophies. Single database system for Africa (IUCN WCC Rec 138 & SADC RESG/Interpol ECWG support – South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malawi, Swaziland, Botswana, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia support RhODIS) Aim to share methodology and have network of labs able to do RhODIS analyses worldwide. First prize – a single compatible global system. In future plan for for periodic quality control checking of various RhODIS accredited labs by independent lab
Progress over last three years 15,991 samples submitted to lab (822 forensic) 6,496 different individuals Routine use in all S.African investigations & also used successfully in a Kenyan investigation SA Legislation amended Regular use in court in S.Africa Training of Kenyans with view to have a second RhODIS lab in Africa Paper on methodology has very recently been submitted for peer reviewed publication ISO accreditation process underway with first audit scheduled for early April 2013
Selected Case successes
Sudan 1938
Horn Fingerprinting Basic idea = You are what you eat.. –Different plants (woody browse and herbs, succulents vs tropical grasses) have different photosynthetic pathways –Different areas have different geologies, soils and climates leading to different chemical composition of plants By analysing horn chemistry can we reliably determine Species and Location ? Some promise but more work needed
Other tools GEF Project – to include improving ballistics for wildlife cases Footprint lifting course Scent capture device Techniques for effective prosecution –DNA –Specialist Prosecutors –Scene of Crime training –Charge using multiple laws –Asset forfeiture –Evidence in aggravation –Civil cases
Acknowledgements: RhODIS Donors