Chapter 1 How Your Choices Affect Income
Slide 2 How Can You Find Job Openings? Social networks Job shadowing Cooperative work experience Counselors, teachers, placement centers Websites of businesses Job scout programs Employment agencies 1-3 Job Application Skills and Tools
Slide 3 General Resume Guidelines A resume is a summary of your work experience, education, skills, interests. Have a “master resume.” Tailor each resume to match job opening. Limit resume to one page. Keep resume simple and attractive. List important information on top. Proofread thoroughly. 1-3 Job Application Skills and Tools
Slide 4 The Cover Letter A cover letter introduces you to a prospective employer. 1-3 Job Application Skills and Tools It is short and direct. First paragraph says why you are writing. Second paragraph points out qualifications. Closing paragraph asks for an interview.
Slide 5 How Do You Make Yourself Stand Out? A job application is a form that asks you basic information about your background. A job interview is a face-to-face meeting with a potential employer to discuss a job opening. Follow-up is contact with a prospective employer after the interview. 1-3 Job Application Skills and Tools
Slide 6 Success Skills Advantages include: Wide-range of sources for job information Rapid response to job openings Up-to-the-minute knowledge 1-3 Job Application Skills and Tools Using Social Networking Sites