Gas Power Cycles Thermodynamics Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 17
PAL # 16 Exergy Balance Cooling chickens with a water stream Mass flow of chickens m’ c = (500 c/hr)(2.2 kg/c) / (3600 s/hr) = Heat removed from chickens can be found from specific heat Q’ c = m’ c c p T = (0.3056)(3.54)(15-3) = Heat gained by water is Q’ w = Q’ c + Q’ environ = (200 kJ/h) / (3600 s/hr) = Absorbing heat raises water temp by 2 C m’ w = Q’ w /c p T = / (4.18)(2) =
PAL # 16 Exergy Balance Find S gen from equation of flow systems S’ gen = But s = c ln (T 2 /T 1 ) for an incompressible substance S’ gen = (0.3056)(3.54) ln(276/288) + (1.56)(4.18) ln(275.5/273.5) – /298 = X’ destroyed = T 0 S’ gen = (298)( ) =
Modeling Power Cycles We often generate power by performing a series of processes in a cycle We use instead an ideal cycle We will often be looking for the thermal efficiency th = W net /Q in = w net /q in
Diagrams Pv diagram Ts diagram But, net heat = net work
Ideal Diagrams
Carnot The Carnot cycle is the most efficient It is very hard to build even an approximation th,Carnot = 1 – (T L /T H ) In general want high input and low output temperatures
Carnot Diagrams
Air Standard For most internal combustion engines the working substance is a gas and is a mixture of air and fuel Can assume: All processes are internally reversible Can think of exhaust as heat rejection to an external sink Cold-air standard
Reciprocating Engine Top dead center Bottom dead center Stroke Bore Intake Valve Exhaust value Allows combustion products to leave
Volumes of a Cylinder
Compression Clearance volume Displacement volume Compression ratio r = V max / V min = V BDC / V TDC Mean Effective Pressure (MEP) is the equivalent pressure that would produce the same amount of work as the actual cycle MEP = W net / ( V max – V min )
MEP Illustrated
Otto Cycle The ideal cycle for reciprocating engines ignited by a spark was developed in 1876 by Nikolaus Otto Basic cycle: Can also combine the exhaust and intake into the power stroke to make a two-stroke engine
Ideal Otto Cycle We can approximate the cycle with An isochoric (no V ) heat addition An isochoric heat rejection
Otto Analysis We can write the heats as c v T q in = q out = th = 1 – q out /q in = But we also know that for the isentropic process (T 1 /T 2 ) = ( v 2 / v 1 ) k-1 and r = v 1 / v 2 th,Otto =
Otto Compression Ratios
Efficient Otto Engines As we increase r the efficiency gain levels off at about 8 Also, high r can mean the fuel is compressed so much it ignites without the spark Can’t really increase k since we are using air Typical values for th,Otto ~
Otto Engine Exercise
Diesel Cycle We can approximate the cycle with An isobaric heat addition An isochoric heat rejection Only the second process is different from the Otto
Diesel Efficiency The heat in is the change of internal energy plus the isobaric work q in = u + P v = h 3 -h 2 = The heat out is just the change in internal energy q out = u 4 -u 1 = So then the efficiency is th,diesel = 1 – q out /q in = 1 – (T 4 -T 1 ) / k(T 3 -T 2 ) We can rewrite as: th,diesel = 1 – (1/r k-1 )[(r k c -1)/k(r c -1)] r c = v 3 / v 2
Diesel Compression Ratios
Making Diesels Efficient Want large r and small r c Diesels can operate at higher compression ratios and are usually more efficient th,diesel ~ Diesels also have lower fuel costs because they don’t have to worry about autoignition and engine knock
Next Time Read: Homework: Ch 9, P: 22, 37, 47, 75