Screw Jack Dokoupilová
Types jack Rack and pinion Hydraulic Screw pneumatic
Screw jack Facilities subdivisions unloaded by being raised to the occasional heavy loads. The small hand and small power stroke derive considerable lifting. power Use: The auxiliary work in assembly, construction, raising of road and rail vehicles.¨ designed for lifting heavy loads, only a small amount. When you lift the load of the height we need to turn the screw. Part: spindle matrix covering of the housing stand, handle
The ratio of power to handle the weight of the load is less than the ridge of lifters. Screw lifter can raise the same force heavier loads.
Dictionary jack – zdvihák hydraulic jack – hydraulický zdvihák screw jack – šroubový zdvihák spindle – vřeteno matrix – matice covering of the housing – vidlice stand – podstavec handle – rukojeť
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