Data on Confidence in and Support for Democracy Mostly from Latinobarometro
Satisfaction with Democracy “With which of the following phrases are most in agreement with? 1) Democracy is the most preferable form of government. 2) In some cases, an authoritarian government is preferable to democracy. 3) No preference between democracy or other forms?” (Data below indicate the percentage of those only choosing response “1” from above)
Satisfaction with Democracy Totals for all countries “In general, would you say that you are 1) very satisfied, 2) rather satisfied, 3) not very satisfied or 4) not at all satisfied with the functioning of democracy in your country?” (Data below include percentage of respondents choosing responses “1” and “2” above)
Support for Democracy Evolution across Latin America “With which of the following phrases are most in agreement with? 1) Democracy is the most preferable form of government. 2) In some cases, an authoritarian government is preferable to democracy. 3) It doesn’t matter one way or the other?” (Data below indicate the percentage of those choosing response “1” from above)
Importance of Voting Totals in Each Country in 2004 “Some people say that how one votes can impact change in the future. Others say that voting will have no impact upon future developments. Which phrase do you agree with more?” (Data below are for those choosing the “voting can impact change in the future” response)
Military Governments can Solve More Problems than Democracies “ Do you think that in your country a military government can solve more or less problems than a democracy?” (Data below are for the “less” responses)
Confidence in Institutions “Do you have very much, some, little, or no confidence in the following institutions or groups?” (Data below represent the “very much” and “some” responses) From top left, moving down each column: The Church, Television, Armed Forces, Big Business, The President, Banks, Municipalities, Police, Judiciary, The Government, Parliament/Congress, Political Parties
Let a dictator (or business) do it, then … If they could resolve the country’s economic problems … I wouldn’t care if a non-democratic government came to power I wouldn’t care if private enterprise took charge of the country
Interpersonal Trust “Generally speaking, would you say that you can trust most people, or that you need to be cautious in dealings with others?” (Data below represent the “trust most people” response)
The Country is Governed for the Benefit of those in Power “In general terms, would you say that your country is governed for the benefit of those in power, or do you think that the country is governed for the good of the entire nation?” (Data below indicate the “benefit those in power” response)
State Enforcement of the Law “On a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 signifying that the state does not enforce the law and 10 signifying that the state succeeds in enforcing the law, how would you rate your country?” (Data below are the averages)