Managed Services at work
PRICE - LOWER TCO – EASY CONTROL OVER INVESTMENTS AND OPERATING COSTS Operating costs Provozní náklady Cost comparison with system implementation A medium-to-large sized company that has 100 – 150 employees wants to manage its own system, through which it will run internal applications such as its accounting system, system for managing business opportunities, web pages, and employee accounts. For such a solution, the company needs to acquire approximately five servers (one proxy server, two database servers, and two application servers). The company can either invest in its own equipment or use Managed Services and save up to 25% in terms of costs, energy consumption, time, and implementing technical security.
FLEXIBILITY – SIMPLE ASSURANCE FOR SEASONAL SHIFTS AND CUSTOMER PROJECTS – INVESTMENT INTO NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSTEAD OF INTO INFRASTRUCTURE 9 Assuring operation in reaction to seasonal sales A travel agency operates in a market where demand for its services varies considerably over the course of the year. The greatest growth in this demand occurs before the summer months and in winter with the purchase of ski trips. In order to satisfy its customers, it must ensure that it has sufficient human resources at its disposal and the technical capacity of its technology must be able to process all of the offers, orders, and reservations that the agency receives. It has two options: either purchase its own technology, which must be set up in such a way that it ensures the problem-free operation of the company during seasonal sales, or, using Managed Services, ensure year-round operation that follows its sales growth precisely during its busy seasons. There is also the possibility to order sufficient capacity for its own resources during the high seasons so that the agency can thus rest assured that all its technology will be able to handle the sudden increase in its sales activities without a problem.
GUARANTEED QUALITY AND ACCESSIBILITY - PERSONAL ASSURANCE OF IT OPERATIONS; SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) Assurance of operations in reaction to seasonal sales Today, the success of every business, regardless of its size, is largely dependent on high- quality IT. The success of commercial activities is considerably dependent on the distribution of business information, on its quality, and accessibility. Therefore, many companies invest a considerable amount of money into IT technologies and specialists to administrate these technologies. With Managed Services comes a new opportunity for high-quality IT assurance. Telefónica O2 provides the technical platform together with technical specialists to ensure worry-free operations. This enables the operator to contractually guarantee its customers a level of quality that their own resources are not able to ensure.