IPv6 TF-NGN Budapest October 2002
Agenda m6bone and Paris M5 update (Bernard) New IPv6 Land Speed Record (Avgust) GÉANT IPv6 deployment (Roberto) Use of AS8933/QTPVSIX – Hitachi/Juniper? GÉANT D9.9 deliverable summary 6NET update (Janos/others) SAINT 2003 workshop paper NREN activity reports Discussion of IPv6 deployment/apps/drivers Discussion of future IPv6 work
m6bone + Juniper M5 Presentation by Bernard Tuy (Renater)
IPv6 Land Speed Record Presentation by Avgust Jauk (ARNES) Record established from ARNES-RedIRIS –on RedIRIS side: Miguel Angel Sotos
GÉANT IPv6 Deployment Status Presentation by Roberto Sabatino (DANTE)
Use of AS8933/QTPVSIX TF-NGN group holds QTPVSIX 6bone prefix: 3ffe:8030::/28 DANTE holds AS8933 Formerly used for Telebit router testbed Proposal to re-create the AS testbed –Use Hitachi GR2000 and Juniper M5 –Define experiments interop, multicast, multihoming
New GTPv6 testbed Plan to be discussed… Initial plan could be –Set up GR2000 at Southampton (or ULCC) –Test BGP peering (e.g. to JANET) –Configure and test PIM-SM RP –Determine common IGP with Juniper M5 –Extend “backbone” to Paris Initially would have to be a tunnelled link –Offer connections using old address plan Allocate new prefixes using old plan (a /34 per partner) –Update 6bone registry entries to GTPV6 name
GTPv6 experiments Specific items not necessarily covered in 6NET or possible at present –Interoperability Different routers, including non-6NET partners –Multicast network AS-wide RP, consistent unicast/multicast routing Examine inter-domain RP protocols –As yet undefined – some ideas –Multihoming GTPV6 prefix offers alternative connectivity –Ixia IPv6 test equipment/software should be available
Summary of D9.6 deliverable Report of 2001/02 activities, including: –m6bone multicast network Runs within France and EU, and Africa. –Juniper M5 testbed –NREN deployments National deployments are an important topic –Low-cost PC-based routers (inc. Zebra) Available online: –
6NET update (Janos/others) WP0: Project management (Cisco) WP1: network deployment (DANTE) –Backbone up and running since May –15Mbit/s, some parts rising to 2.5Gbit/s in 2003 WP2: transition (Southampton) –Site and NREN/backbone tools/scenarios WP3: basic network services (ACOnet) –Multicast, DNS, security, routing, registry work WP4: advanced network services (Lancaster) –MIPv6, QoS, VPNs, Multihoming, WLANs
6NET (ctd…) WP5: applications (IBM) –Multimedia/conferencing apps, E-Business (WebSphere), GRiD (Globus), porting, games (Sony), edge services. WP6: network management (Renater) –Architecture, tools, procedures. WP7: dissemination (TERENA) New partners joined: CZ, HU, PL Public deliverables (97 of 100!): –
SAINT 2003 Paper IEEE Workshop in Feb 2003 –Florida, USA (proceedings will be published) Networks in Europe, US, Japan and elsewhere invited to present work –One paper on GÉANT/6NET/Euro6IX/IST (4 pages) –One paper on NREN activities (4 pages) –Inputs needed by this weekend 2-3 paragraphs on achievements and challenges ahead –WIDE and Abilene already included –(no travel cost support!)
NREN IPv6 activities… Reports from any/all…
IPv6 deployment discussion Open questions – –Missing pieces for IPv6 operationally? (*) –What applications are needed? –Which end user communities? –What drivers for deployment? –Where might IPv6-only be used? –“I have IPv6 on my desktop, now what?” –(*) I-D exists, also reporting in 6NET D2.5.1
GTPv6 future work? What would you like to see? –Engage NRENs –Complement 6NET –…